I speak unto you this day, My people, and I say: Be quick to give Me thanks and praise for the very fact that you are alive in Me. There are endless multitudes upon this earth who have lived and died, only to end in hell. Indeed, you are privileged to know Me as your Maker, your Creator. Likewise, you are very privileged to be born again of the incorruptible seed given to you through My Son, Jesus Christ.
Keeping these things in mind, do not be resentful, nor regretful, over the way that your days go upon this earth, for you have a better home awaiting you, with Me in My kingdom. Be glad that you have more to look to than the present, and that as you are giving Me thanks and praise, so are you uplifted in your present circumstances.
There is no one who goes through this earthly life without some things in their lives that are a disappointment to them. It is a matter of perspective which takes a person, or persons, into the deep ditch of self-pitying despair. If people choose to have a begrudging and resentful attitude over everything that is contrary, they wear themselves out. They will find that the outlook they have is one of dreariness and dread, expecting the worst to be their cup.
However, those who are choosing to be thankful unto Me will be experiencing the goodness that I can and do give to them, as well as the many blessings that I have in store. Do not be weary in well doing; rather be in thanksgiving and gladness each day, because it is Me that you serve, and it is Me who gives to you the joy of My presence.
Stop and consider: When it is recorded that “Job arose and cursed his day,” how did he curse his day? Of course, Job was under acute suffering and loss. However, he cursed his day through his attitude, his mindset, and his words.
This is why it is so important that you keep your hearts, minds and thoughts upon Me rather than your circumstances. If you allow your words to come forth in complaining, your minds to be in despair, your hearts to be heavy, of course your hearts will be heavy and full of sadness.
I do not call you to despair and heaviness; I call you to be uplifted and giving Me thanks and praise, for I am ever present to give you joy, peace and hope. Even as I speak this day, there are vast multitudes who are living in hopelessness and despair.
Their lives are empty, and they are devoid of any desire for anything other than the immediate gratification of their carnal needs. They have no goals, no aspirations, no hopes. Reality is that their ranks are increasing daily because of the darkened mindsets that people choose to live in.
How important it is that you choose Me as the only One that you are meant to serve, then do so with gladness and thanksgiving. Realize that I do not call you to be resentful; rather, you are meant to be respectful. As you are honoring Me, I honor you and give to you all that you need to be kept in the way that is My intention. My intentions towards My people are for them to be blessed and to live in the hope that I give them as they are keeping their confidence ever in Me.
Realize that you have only one life to live on this earth, and the same is the proving ground of who you choose and who you love. When you are loving yourselves, then you are in misery, for “self” is never satisfied and is a cruel master. On the other hand, if you are loving Me, you will find that I am the kind Master who is full of compassion and goodness towards you.
Therefore, be thankful every day that I am the One True God and that My mercies are ever present for you to partake of with rejoicing. As you keep yourselves in humble subjectivity before Me, you will see that I give you exactly what you need at all times. Be ever receiving the abundance of My mercies and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not alone, for My Spirit is with you to guide you forth.
If you consider how many there are who have chosen darkness and are living in the same, don’t go there. I have never intended for My people to be living in darkness, because I am the light, and they are meant to walk in My light. It is senseless to wallow in self-pitying despair and hopelessness. Give yourselves over to thanks and praise unto Me, and you will be uplifted and directed in a plain path and will know the hope that I give to you.
Therefore, do not dwell in your minds in the deserts of desolation, destitution and depression. Be choosing to direct even your thoughts to Me and be thankful for the many mercies I extend for you in whatever circumstances you are in. Know that it is Me who is the One who keeps you, and it is Me who wants you to finish your course in Me.
Again, let Me reiterate to you the fact that I do not desire evil for My people, My intentions for them are goodness and mercy all the days of their lives. Each day when you arise, give Me thanks and praise; direct your thoughts to Me and the goodness that I give you. As the sun arises each morning and gives light unto the day, so do I give to you My light.
Therefore, consider carefully the privileged life that you have, for you are not hell-bound and living now in hopelessness and despair. You have all of your basic needs supplied by Me, and I am the One who gives you the strength to keep on going no matter your circumstances or situations. Therefore, do not give in to self-pity and curse your day. Bless each day as you walk My way, rejoicing.