I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who desires you to strengthen those who are weak and to encourage those who are fearful. I do not desire that My people live selfishly. Rather, My people are to be considering others who are not as strong as they are in the faith. Such ones as need to be admonished to trust Me. I desire that My people would minister one to another in the way that will bring them forth by a plain path.
Too many of those who are claiming to be Mine are living only for themselves, without regard for others as to whether they need to be strengthened in the faith in these times of the terrors that are stalking the land. It is really the obligation of My people to stand with one another and encourage one another in the way that I intend.
When those who claim to be of Me are simply living selfishly, they are not showing any semblance of My love. When you consider the love that Jesus demonstrated, it was and is My love, which all are desperately needy of receiving.
However, there are those who take the love that He gives, yet they do not give love to others, for they are selfish in the way that they behave. As My true ones, you are not intended to live selfishly. You are intended to live in sharing and caring for those who are needy.
Inasmuch as many in their immaturity are still accepting the world’s view of things, you will find them to be weak in their faith. Such ones need to be shown how foolish it is to be looking to the world, when they could be looking unto Me as their Maker. I do not call them to partake of the world, but rather to partake of Me as the One they are intended to look unto.
Do not live unto yourselves, but live unto Me and allow My Spirit to direct you in the way that I intend. My way will cause you to reach out unto others and to be helpful to the ones who are needy of more of Me. Therefore, do not be weary in well doing but continue as a steadfast people who are attentive to the Spirit’s directions unto them. Of course, there will be times when you will feel as though you are overwhelmed, but believe Me when I say that your strength is in Me as the One who cares for you.
It is not a difficult thing to continue steadfast when you keep your vision single unto Me and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that My Spirit is ever present with you. Think upon how much you receive from Me rather than allowing the enemy to paint a gloomy picture of deprivation and despair. You have received abundance of mercy, inasmuch as your sins have been forgiven. Likewise, I am ever present to encourage you in the way that I have so generously prepared for you. If you focus upon Me, you see beyond a shadow of a doubt that My love continues with you each and every day.
Therefore, be more than willing to share that love with others as much as you can, because there are multitudes who are literally loveless, hopeless, and despairing of their very lives. Remember that you too were once in the condition of being lost and knew the painfulness of the same. Be glad even this day that you can look to Me and serve in the attitude of gratitude. It does not harm you to reach out to others. In fact, it will enrich your faith because you will see Me move upon others.
When Jesus walked among men, He had nothing to gain from them. Rather, He poured out unto them as I directed Him through My Holy Spirit. Those who He reached out unto, and there were multitudes of them, experienced many miracles of salvation, healing, restoration, and revelation. His disciples saw for themselves how much His mercies were made evident day by day, because His love was poured forth in blessings to the poor, the miserable, the needy, and the desperate whose hearts cried out.
My Son Jesus did not work independent of Me, nor did He try to set up His own work. Instead, He remained steadfastly adhering to My desires and He walked and worked in the same. By doing so, He was bringing many into the fold and giving them the light upon their pathways. However, He knew that He would suffer many things. Yet, such knowledge did not defeat Him. Instead, He kept His vision single and His purpose only upon fulfilling His mission by His obedience unto Me.
So it is, that I desire that you likewise develop the attitude of gratitude towards Me, for in so doing you will find the life, the love, and the light to share with others. Additionally, you will become acquainted with the sorrows of humanity and you will know that you must likewise suffer. Not all will accept you, just as they did not accept My Son, and you will undergo the rejection and false accusations such as were hurled at Him. Of a surety, you will be expected to complete your course by staying true to Me and completing the course that is set before you.
Those who are willing to be identified with Jesus in His sufferings will be counted worthy to rule and reign with Him in the realms of eternal life. Be ever willing to follow on to know Jesus, for to know the Son is to know Me, as your Father. My Son is the perfect pattern for you to follow, and when you do, you will find that the beauty of His holiness is ever present and that you are uplifted in the same.
Multitudes are in the valley of decision, and such ones as will choose for My Son will be given redemption and the encouragement of the same. Those who oppose will find themselves headed to hell and damnation forever.