I speak to you this day and I say that when I sent My Son Jesus into the world, I did not send Him that men would continue in their sins. Rather, I sent Him that they would see the error of their ways and repent to Him and be spared from damnation and hell. Those who had it in their hearts to listen and obey did so and repented and were saved from perishing. Those who were set to go onward in darkness continued in the course of their own damnation.
It of course would be better if all would repent and come unto Jesus as Savior and Lord. However, they will not. Therefore, I deem it necessary that the call to repentance continue to be put forth by the ones who have come unto Jesus themselves. However, there are many false faces to be found in religion, as many are proclaiming that they love the Lord, yet they do not serve Him in any way whatsoever. They are determined to remain serving sin and darkness, all for the promotion of evil in their own lives and in the lives of others.
The blind leaders of the days of Jesus’s pilgrimage despised His words because He told them the truth. Because of their own refusal to obey and repent, they proved that their hearts were full of wickedness and iniquity. So it is even now. There are multitudes who are haters of the truth and of all who live and proclaim the same.
Therefore, do not think it a strange thing when you see how utterly destructive the hatred for the truth really is. Those who are hating the truth are blinded by the god of this world, the devil, and they are fulfilling his desire for their lives. Such ones are messengers of darkness and have it in their hearts and their actions to silence all who represent the truth and the light. The continual plan that they follow is the devil’s agenda to kill, steal and destroy.
Be aware that the warfare continues and that you must refuse to succumb to the iniquity that is so common in these times. Resist all accusing spirits that come at your mind to cause you to mistrust Me as your Father and your God. Likewise, refute the lies of the liar, for they are ever present. Daily they are being spewed out, as though they are necessary for men and women to live by. However, what is necessary is for My true ones to refute such lies, for they are the very enticement to death.
If you really consider the impact of words spoken forth, it is tremendous. By words that are spoken forth, men, women and children are led either into damnation or salvation.
I desire that you guard what it is that you let come forth from your tongues, for you can set people on fire for hell or you can set them on fire for My kingdom. Do not have blood guiltiness on your hands by allowing yourselves to speak forth nonsense when you are called to speak forth the truth, and by the same cause the light to shine forth.
I do not want you to resist telling others about Me because you are fearful of the repercussions that will come against you. Realize that your lives are not your own and that you are not to be intent on saving your lives. You are meant to be intent in saving the lives of the perishing. You only see them saved when they are given the call to repentance and they obey the same.
Know of a surety that it is Me who sent My only begotten Son into the world that He would be the propitiation for the sins of many. Because He obeyed even unto death, all power has been given to Him, and it is through that power that you are to go forth declaring the kingdom of light, love and life.
Therefore, be persistent in the commission that I have called you unto. Do not back off in the declaration of My kingdom because of those who hate the truth. Rather, be steadfast and continuing to call sinners to repentance, for there are multitudes perishing daily.
Those who are willing to be My rescue workers are given great rewards, both in this life and the life to come, because they remain persistent in the task of rescuing the perishing. Do not let your own pride hinder you in the task you are called to complete. Instead, be all the more determined that you will not turn away from your duty but will fulfill the same.
Meditate on this, My people: that My Son did not flinch nor accuse Me for the rejection He received. He completed the course, the duty that He was called to perform. You are meant to do the same with gladness.