Seek for the Inward Cleansing of Your Hearts

I speak to you this day and I say that when you are in true relationship with Me as your Maker, then you will not shun the searching of your hearts. That is, you will know and understand how essential it really is for you to not turn aside from the work of the Holy Spirit on your inward parts. Sad to say, many of those who are claiming to be Mine are like the Pharisees. They present only the outward show and display, without the inward cleansing.

You are not intended to be representing the fair show of the flesh. You are meant to be doing and being the real thing when it comes to your relationships unto Me. I am not impressed with the vain displays of religiosity that so many are showing forth in an attempt to prove how great they are.

Religion in itself is rebellion against Me, for I am desiring relationship with My people. Religiosity is a standoff, in the sense that people presume that religiosity is respected by Me. Religiosity is not respected by Me, because it stems from pride and self-exaltation.

The more that you are in true reverence and respect towards Me, the more that I will hold you in respect likewise. When you are cherishing the opportunity you have been given through repentance, then you walk in a way that is well pleasing. You will not be full of your own works and understandings, but rather filled with Me as the One who will bring you forth by a plain path. My Spirit will ferret out those things that are buried in the heart that are the wrong motivations and cause you to see how little you really need such darkness.

I never called My people to be living in darkness and the iniquity of the same. I have called My people to be living in the beauty of My light and the righteousness that I have purposed for them. Do not hesitate to come forth in the truth when the same is revealed, because it is the truth that sets you free from your own sins and the hostility of your carnality against My rule.

Be thankful therefore that it is Me that you can look to day by day and know that I am the provider, the protector, the keeper of all who trust in Me. When you are governed by Me, then you are not swept up in the absurdity of the times, nor are you taken down under the foolery that is so common in these days.

It is indeed a sad state of affairs that I must bring forth repeatedly My wrath upon humankind because they are so stubbornly resistant to repentance before Me. Be glad even this day that you can be found in the repentant way that is acceptable, whereby you are not identifying with sin, but you are choosing to identify with Me as your only God.

Over and over, you will see how ugly it really is to choose sin as master, for there are endless multitudes who are perishing because they have chosen sin rather than Me. The reality is that they are choosing sin as their master because they have never allowed the searching of their hearts by and through My Holy Spirit.

Indeed, when you are being led forth in a plain path, you are being given all that you need to be uplifted and guided in the way that is My righteousness revealed. Continue therefore to respect My choosing for you and My rule over your hearts, that you do not stray out of the way. Many have ended in heaps of ruination because they came to the point of hating My way and assuming that they needed another way.

I do not intend ruination for My people, but they are brought there because they prefer to settle themselves as My enemies rather than My friends. Do not allow your own minds to lead you there. Instead, be in the attitude of gratitude, because you are enabled by My mercies to be kept in a sin-sick world from being infected with the diseases of these days. I do not call you to be diseased and sin sick. I call you to be strengthened by the truth and ever walking in the same.

While carnal men and women are in love with their own selves, they make a vain show of religion while they live in sin. Their motives are selfish and they do not respect Me. Those who are in positions of power boast themselves of what it is that they have done, when they have done nothing that is righteous before Me. They are so drunk on pride, they make great boasts as to how much they have accomplished, when they have accomplished nothing at all.

Do not pay heed to them, for they are fools and are headed to their own destruction. The fools in their folly declare they have stopped the raging of My wrath in the form of plagues. They have not, for they have simply proven how dark and full of iniquity their own hearts are in their rebellion against Me. I do not call you to rebellion. Therefore, realize how deadly it is.

When you are seeing with your own eyes the misery, suffering, affliction, and woe of the nations who have forgotten Me, know that they are reaping the consequences of their choices against Me. When you see that the plagues I have unleashed are on the rise, know that the fakers in rule have contributed to the death and destruction of these times.

Do not side with any cause other than Me, for I am the One who is worth living for and dying for. The causes of men and women come and go under the influence of the world. However, the cause that is the salvation of souls is the most important and utmost cause, for only through the same are people saved from the wrath which is yet to come. love Me and live for Me.