Through God You Can Mount Up with Wings as Eagles

I speak to all peoples this day and I say: There is joy to be had when you are living in Me, the One True God. I have never withheld My joy from the ones who choose to believe and receive the treasures that are Mine to give to the peoples who believe upon Me. I am the God who has great abundance, and it is My joy to give to My people over and over such as they need. When those who inhabit the nations of the earth come to the joy of salvation through repentance to My Son Jesus Christ, then are they recipients of the joy that is set before them.

Be glad even this day that you can partake each day of the abundant mercies and the overflowing goodness found through Jesus Christ, the wondrous redeemer. Because Jesus chose to live in obedience unto Me, you are given the privilege to be partakers of the heavenly kingdom while still here on earth. You do not need to be led astray nor away from Me by the winds of adversity, the schemes of the wicked, and the sufferings of life.

Rather, you are enabled to mount up with wings as eagles and run and not be weary, as you are trusting, believing, and looking to Me as the source of your strength and the refuge of your safety. I am the One who is available to the ones who turn to Me and receive what I have for them. Do not live in the ugliness of this world, but rather ascend up to Me in the spirit, for I want you to partake of the heavenly glories here and now.

Believe Me, I have called you to be Spirit People, which means in essence that you are able to ascend in the glories that I bring day after day, and know that it is Me who gives to you mercies that are new every morning. When you choose to be partakers of mercy, of course the result is joyous victory, for the joyous victory uplifts you and brings you up higher and higher in the beauty of My holiness. You can be partakers of heaven on earth as you allow yourselves to be led by My Spirit.

Of course, you will find at times that the journey you are on seems to be very tedious and tiring. Yet, remember you are following in the footsteps of the victorious King, Jesus Christ, who walked the pathway before you and has given you the Holy Spirit to be your ever present guide. Therefore, do not grow weary on the long road set before you and fall by the wayside, never to return. Instead, let the strength that is found in Me come to you as you reach out to Me. As you are steadfast in looking to Me as the author and the finisher, the beginning and the end, so shall you see that I am able to give you strength always.

This does not mean that you are helpless; it only means that I am your help. Therefore, let your reliance be ever upon Me. Just as a runner looks to their legs to carry them, so look to Me as the One who carries you along in the Spirit and strengthens you to continue. There is no reason to fall down and never get up and return to the race. There is every reason to know that the powerful presence that is found in Me is eternal life and is imparted as the infusion of glory and might.

Again, I tell you that there is joy in abundance to be had by any and all who are courageous and honest enough to come to the Son and bow down, and thereby partake of the endless, infinite glorious beauty that He alone provides to the peoples who are thirsty for the waters of life. Why not be aware that it is joy unending that can be had, and not only know about it, but live in it? In fact, why not be enlisted this day into the great and victorious ranks of the true believers who are My Spirit people and who will be counted as My treasure? There is no reason to flounder about when you can be led forth by the plain path that I give to you.

When you calmly choose to partake of the mercies that that are before you as My Spirit people, those mercies are ever present. In those mercies you will come to know and live in the invincible joy that comes of loving and serving Me. You are meant to know true blessedness and joy because you realize that it is Me who loves you with the enduring and guiding fatherly love that is ever present in Me. Never are you to imagine that you are alone. You are not. Instead, you are surrounded by the cloud of witnesses who live in the continual joy that heaven brings, and by the multitude of angels who sing the praises of rejoicing.

Therefore, be knowing that you are kept, guided, directed and provided for at all times as you keep your vision upon Me. It is Me who lifts you out of the snare of the wicked and causes their downfall and destruction. It is Me who delivers you and shows you the way of eternal life. It is Me who has given you the CALL TO ALL as you are abandoned to the joy that is set before you and the waiting arms I have to welcome you home to Me, your Father, your God!