God Gives No Special Sin Allowances

I speak unto you this day and I say that the price for true discipleship remains the same. It has not been changed or amended because of the times. Those who will truly follow Me will walk in the steps that were laid down in the example of My Son. I do not make special sin allowances for those who desire to transgress My standards.

Because I am the God who is holy, I desire My true people to be holy and to seek for the kingdom that does remain, for when you are in adherence to Me, then you will be enabled to walk in righteousness in a sin-sick society that is decadent and dying. Sin brings forth death both naturally and spiritually, and those who choose to sin are choosing their own destruction and damnation.

When anyone makes the claim to Christ, that means that they must pay heed to His instructions that He left for His followers to walk and be guided by. Those who have an ear will hear what the Spirit says, for they will pay heed to the instructions that are given each day by the Holy Spirit. That is why the Spirit is given, to guide, that My people do not turn aside to the ways of the heathen, but rather they pay heed to Me and follow Me.

It is not by your own might, nor by your own power, but it is by Me that you are intended to be guided forth in a plain path. Be willing to endure whatsoever it is that you face in your journey because you are thankful unto Me, which means in essence that you do not resort to the ways of the world but rather you maintain a steadfast commitment to Me and the way that I have provided.

There are many who can speak great swelling words, yet their hearts are far from Me, as is reflected in their ungodly lifestyles and behavioral patterns. So many have chosen other gods, other masters, and gone a whoring, yet they claim that they are Mine.

I am not mocked and I do not honor those who choose to estrange themselves from Me then claim they are loving Me. Those who are loving Me are the ones who will keep My commandments and walk uprightly. Therefore, be glad each and every day that I empower you to be upright and to adhere to Me as the One you are to obey.

Remember you are not to be concerned with the opinions of men, women, and children. You are meant to be concerned with My opinion and please Me. The world is under the curse, and for any to believe that they can partake of both the world and My kingdom is foolish. You must choose who and what will be your master and then adhere to the same. If you choose Me, then adhere with gladness and rejoicing, for indeed you are privileged to be Mine and know Me as king.