God Declares World War III (Part 2)

Audio version with soundtrack

I speak unto thee this day and I say, align yourself with Me. I say, align yourself with Me, for I say it is in Me that the safety is found, it is in Me that the strength is provided, it is in Me that the truth is ever present. I say, align yourself with Me, for I say that I have made the declaration, and I say that it shall be that war shall be upon the land, war shall be upon the nations, war shall be throughout the earth. For I say that men have refused My call to peace with Me, that is, they have refused to repent, they have refused to humble themselves, they have refused to bow before Me. And I say they have desired to be ruled by wicked men, they have desired to be ruled by the lust of the flesh, they have desired to be ruled by governments of corruption.

And I say it is Me the Living God who has declared war, and I will bring forth war, and I will magnify war, and I will intensify war, and men shall be at war, and there shall be no rest from war, for I say, because of men’s refusal of Me and because of their lust for war, I will turn them over to the same. And I say there will be unrest, there will be turmoil, there will be upheaval of nations. And I say that I the Living God have declared it and it is, and it shall be brought forth, and men shall marvel at the endless war.

But I say that I the Living God will keep My own if they are covered in Me, that is, if they seek to remain in repentance before Me, if they seek to walk in humility before Me, if they seek to please Me in all that they do. Then I say that My own will be covered by Me and guided by Me and directed by Me, and I say that I will do miracles of mercy for My own, because they are cleaving unto Me.

Now I say this day that fear shall stalk throughout the earth and men shall be utter captives of the same. And I say they will not know in whom they may trust, they will not know who will turn against them, for I say they will be under the throes of war. And I say they will be taken in the throes of that fear day after day and overwhelmed in the same.

I say this day that I the Living God do not intend that My own people would be caught up in that fear, but I say that I intend that My people would walk and live in the fear of Me, that they would desire Me, that they would be subject to Me. And I say that I desire that My people would be guided forth each day in Me as the author and the finisher, the beginning and the end, the one who will be the narrow pathway of life, the one who will be the pathway of peace to the ones who are right with Me.

Now I say this day that when a man would give himself over to high-mindedness, to pride, to rebellion against Me, I say that he will be subject to the throes of war, for I say that he has departed from Me, wherein he was meant to abide, he has departed from My way, he has departed from humility, he has departed from repentance. I say this day, do not fight against Me in your mind but be subject unto Me, for I say that I reign supreme, and I say that I am the I AM God, and I say that I shall prevail.

Now I say, in a wicked, a perverse, a vile, an evil generation, consider that it is Me the Living God who delights to bring men forth in the truth, the light, the strength, the glory that I provide. But I say that men have stubbornly, proudly refused Me, and I say they have desired to be ruled by wickedness rather than righteousness. And I say they have lusted for the action of war, for the gain of war, for the death of war. And I say it is Me the Living God who has declared war upon them. And I say they will not be able to stop the war, nor to play around with the war, for the truth of it is, they are not in control, for I am the Almighty.

And I say that men in all of their wile and fabricated imaginations, in all of their delusions and all of their schemes of power, I say they shall come to naught, for I say that it is Me the Living God who is in control. I am far above all men. And I say that the nations of the earth are nothing more than a drop in the bucket before Me. And I say that it is Me the Living God that has in times past raised nations up, brought nations down, and done away with nations, according to their sins before Me. And I say, so it is that in this time of war you will see many nations exist no more. And I say it is My hand.

I say this day, be thankful that you may continue in Me, that you may be subject to Me, that you may live in the fear of Me and Me alone, for I say you are not meant to be living in the fear of men, but I say you are meant to be subject to Me. I say you are meant to be subject to My sovereignty, you are meant to be subject to My truth, you are meant to be subject to My rule, for I say, when you are subject to Me, then I say you will not be high-minded nor proud against Me, and I say you will not be catering to rebellion or defiance, nor giving way to pride, for I say, when a man will realize his utter need of Me, then I say he is able to be subjected to Me. But I say, when a man is giving himself over to that which is corruption and wickedness, he is giving himself to lies.

I say this day that the governments of men are full of lies, they are full of cunning craftiness, they are full of multiplied deceits and evil schemes. And I say they are full of murder and violence, they are full of all manner of wickedness, and I say that men have preferred to be ruled by the governments of men over being ruled by Me. I say, that is extremely offensive unto Me, for I say that I the Living God am meant to bear rule over My people, and I say they are meant to be at peace with Me, and I say they are meant to come forth in Me.

But I say they have refused Me, they have stubbornly refused My call to repent, they have been satisfied with their religious placebos, they have been satisfied with their religious games, and literally they have become mockers of My truth. And I say they have scoffed My prophets, they have despised My word, yet they claim they are My people. They too will be subject to the throes of war.

Now I say this day, do not look at what I have told you and give up in despair, for I say, if you align yourself with Me and keep on aligning yourself with Me and walk in the fear of Me, you are kept by Me. But I say, if you think you can make it on your own, if you think that I will follow you in your diversity, in your perversity, in your willfulness, you are wrong, for I say that if you depart from Me you are left on your own and you will be subject to all evil forces, for I say, there is no safety aside from Me, and there is no nation that a man may run in to and say, Aha, I shall be kept. For I say, when My people counseled to go down to Egypt, I say that very counsel, that very thought became the destiny of their destruction.

I say this day, do not seek to run from what it is that I the Living God will bring forth, for there is no place that men will be safe upon this earth, for I say it is only in Me that a man shall be kept, and I say that I shall be the high tower of strength and safety to those who will run in to Me and remain in Me. I say this day, be thankful that it is Me the Living God who does give forth the pathway for My own to walk in, for I say that I do not forsake My people even in the midst of My wrath revealed, that I make a way for My own.

And I say it is Me the Living God who will continue to call men to repent. And I say that the pressure that I shall bring forth in this declaration and proclamation and demonstration of war will cause many men to see how utterly hopeless they are, to see how utterly devastated they have become, to see that yes, they are on the brink of ruination. And I say there will be those who will cry out in their agony, who will cry out in desperation, and who will deeply and thoroughly repent. And I say that it is Me the Living God who will welcome them into My fold, and it is Me the Living God who will cover them in My mercy, and it is Me the Living God who will cause them to know the way of victory and triumph.

Now I say this day, be glad that you can believe upon Me, I say, be glad that you can cleave unto Me, and I say, be glad that all things are in My hands, for I say that I reign supreme, I say that I am far above men, and I say, through Me you shall see that I make the way for My own. Now I say, be thankful that it is Me the Living God who is taking the upper hand, for I say, for too long men in their wise conceit, in their pride, in their arrogance, their defiance of Me, have strutted themselves, have boasted themselves, have scoffed My very way. And I say they have brought themselves to the ruination, to the devastation, to the damnation, and oh, what a great thing they have done.

You see how foolish they are? You see how dumb they are? You see how proud they are? Ha! Do you think that I will humor them forever? Do you think that I will tolerate them forever? Ha!

No! I say that I have declared war, and I say that it shall be a time of war, and I say that men shall see ceaseless war, and men shall eat of war, and I say they will be gutted out by war, and I say they will be ruined by war, and I say they will have their great war, and I say they will have more war, and I say they will have endless war, because that is what I will give unto them, for they did not want the pathway of My peace, and they did not want My mercy, and they did not want My truth, and they did not want My light. Do you think that I will tolerate them? Ha! I will destroy them.

I say this day, be thankful that you can be covered by Me, that you can even be shielded from My wrath revealed, that you can be brought forth by Me. And I say, do not walk in proud thoughts, do not walk in unbelief, do not scoff My warnings, but I say, be thankful each day that it is Me the Living God who is thy keeper. And it is Me the Living God who is thy master. And it is Me the Living God who will guide My own, for I say it is joy to be found in what I have declared, in the sense that yes, I will punish the evildoers, and yes, I will punish the compromisers, and yes, I will punish the ones who have made light of My word and played their games, and perverted the truth, and accepted lies, and have loved the rule of wicked men. Yes, I will punish them.

But I say, for the ones who desire Me, the ones who will remain in Me, the ones who will be true to Me, I say that it shall be a time of My miracles of mercy, it shall be a time of My glory revealed, and it shall be a time when I reach out to the ones who are truly devastated and repent. And I say that it shall be a time of harvest, and you can rejoice in the same, for I say, yes, there will be a harvest for damnation, but I say there will be a harvest for salvation, for I say that I the Living God will reveal that I am the I AM, and I say that those who will bend the knee unto Me and truly repent, they shall be harvested for salvation. And I say, the ones who will defy Me, I say that the war shall be set in, and they shall be harvested for damnation.

I say, be thankful. I say, be thankful that you have been forewarned, be thankful that you shall be guided, be thankful that you shall be directed. Be thankful to accept correction and walk in instruction and be kept, for I say it is Me the Living God who is tender mercy to those who believe upon Me, to those who trust in Me, to those who look to Me. But I say that it is likewise Me the Living God who is wrath and fury and indignation, and endless war upon the ones who have defied Me, upon the ones who have scoffed Me and mocked Me and waved their hand and said they do not need repentance, for I say they are blinded utter fools headed to their own damnation.

I say, be thankful even now that I the Living God will guide you forth in truth, and I will give you light upon the path. And I say, as you continue in repentance, as you continue to cry out in humility, you will be kept by Me.

Now that may sound to you as a repetitive thing, not so important at all. But I say, when you will see what I bring forth, you will realize it is a great and beautiful promise given to My own. I say, thank Me and praise Me.