God Declares World War III (Part 1)

Audio version with soundtrack

I speak unto thee this day and I say that it is time. I say that it is time. I say that it is time. And I say that you shall hear the sound of war, for I say that men have propagated war. Men have instigated war. Men have lusted for war. Men have desired war. Now I say that I the Living God will give them war. And I say that there will be war on every hand, there will be war on every corner, there will be war throughout the land. And I say that it is because I the Living God am declaring war, that is, I am giving to the sons of men the very war they think they want, the very war they lust and long for, the very war they have desired. But I say that it shall be multiplied, and none shall be in control, for I say that it will not be of men, but it will be of Me.

Therefore I say this day, be thankful to be found abiding in Me, be thankful to be hidden in Me, for I say, in a time of great war, in a time of expansive war, in a time of endless war, I say you will tremble with gladness that it is Me that you serve, for I say you will know with surety, you will understand that I the Living God shall bring unrest such as men have not endured. And I say that I shall bring turmoil, I shall bring upheaval. And I say that I shall bring devastation on every hand. And I say that men shall receive their full reward in terms of war.

Now I say this day that the ones who will be in obedience unto Me will be the ones that I shall preserve, the ones that I shall guide and bring forth. And I say that the ones who truly are Mine will not need to fear in the time of war, that is, they will not need to fear with the fear of men, but they can look to Me and draw their strength of Me.

But I say that the ones who have separated themselves from Me through pride, through arrogance, through vain conceit, and refused My call to repent, refused to obey Me, refused to come into right standing with Me, I say they shall know what it is to be pounded by war.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do delight when men and women do humble themselves to cry out in repentance and seek to be walking uprightly in Me, that is, they seek to be in the way of obedience that I have ordained for My own. But I say, when men are so stiff, so arrogant, so defiant against Me, and the time comes that I declare war, I say there is no man that shall be able to stop the same. And I say there is no power upon this earth that can cause the war to cease, that can cause the war to increase, for men are not in control.

I say this day, be thankful that you can indeed be subject to Me each and every day, that is, that you can be guided, uplifted, directed, instructed in the truth, the light, the mercy, the hope that I provide, that you can be given all that you ever have need of, for I the Living God am present to give you all you need, that is, when you look to Me, believe upon Me and trust in Me, then I say that you can be kept even in the time of war. For I say that I the Living God will manifest My mercy, manifest My glory, manifest My love to the ones who cleave to Me.

But I say that the ones who have cleaved to other gods, other lovers, let them protect them in the time of war. For I say they will cry to their lovers, they will cry to their governments, they will cry to their powers, but they may as well cry to the wind. For I say, when I the Living God do bring forth war, I say there is none of those powers of men that can bring cessation of the same, nor is there any power of men that can say: Aha, we shall triumph, for we are the ones who are the kings of war. For I say that the truth of it is, when I am finished with the sons of men, I say they will be utterly repulsed, that is, the remnant that is spared, at the very thought of war. And I say they will desire to come in to Me, to come in to My peace, My strength, My safety and My life revealed.

But I say that the ones who persist and insist in their own way, I say they will be damned in war, for I say there are endless multitudes who will be utterly devastated, destroyed and devoured, because they have cried for war.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do intend that the ones who serve Me would humble themselves each day, continuing to repent before Me, that is, continuing to seek My face, My counsel, to walk in the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide. And I say that it is Me the Living God who can guide the people who are humble enough even through the treachery of war. And it is Me the Living God who can show indeed that I am the one who will keep My own while I reveal My wrath upon the ones who have not desired Me.

I say this day that I the Living God am showing to the sons of men through My declaration of war that I am in control, for I say, for too long men have warred and warred and warred against Me, they have hated and despised Me, they’ve had contempt for My ways. And I say they’ve gone off in their folly, their foolery, their vanity, following other gods. And I say they walked in a way that I did not intend, nor did I provide.

Now I say this day that I the Living God am sorely displeased, I am sorely disgruntled, I am sorely disappointed with the fools who have desired their way. And I say, because they have not repented nor returned to Me, I say it is Me the Living God who will bring a hard blow upon them. And I say that it is Me the Living God who will stir the very forces of hell itself to unleash against the ones who will end in hell forever when they are finished upon this earth.

And I say that it is Me the Living God who is declaring war. I say this day, humble yourself, humble yourself, humble yourself unto Me. And I say, cry out unto Me and seek to please Me in all that you do. I say, cry out unto Me and seek to walk uprightly. Persist and insist in the way that I offer and provide, for I say it is Me the Living God who is the way that is righteousness, truth and mercy intended. And I say, if you will literally crawl in humility before Me, you will find you are not devastated by war.

Now I say this day, be thankful, be thankful, be thankful that you do not need to be found under the wrath, that you do not need to be found under the furry. But I say, if you continue in repentance each and every day, revolting against sin, revolting against your own carnality and the rulership of carnal men, in the sense that they get you to sin against Me but you revolt against them in repentance revolution, then of course you are guided by Me, for I say that you will remain in the humility way of My truth, My life, My mercy revealed. And I say that you will be able to come forth, ever guided by Me.

I say this day, there shall be howling and weeping and mourning on every hand, and men shall tremble throughout the day, throughout the night for the fear of war that shall be in the land. And I say that the nations of the earth shall be in upheaval and tumult because men have lusted and longed and cried out for war. And I say that the ones who have been thirsty for blood will find that it is their own blood that is shed, and the blood of their children and of their children’s children, because they have been so greedy for war.

Now I say this day, when you see the ones who have smacked their lips in anticipation for the moneys that they will receive from war, it will not be. For I say, when I the Living God am finished with war upon the sons of men, I say they will be limp, they will be tattered and torn. And I say that many will be utterly devastated and dead and damned forever because of their lust for war. And I say that all of the cruelty, oppression and wickedness that they plotted for others is returned unto them.

Now I say this day, be thankful, be thankful, be thankful that you do not need to be overwhelmed and devastated in the throes of war, if you will remain in right standing with Me, for I say, it is Me the Living God who will be the high tower of safety, the high tower of strength to those who will run in to Me. And it is Me the Living God who will ever guide forth, direct, correct and instruct the people who will obey My way, for I say, it is this day that I declare it is time for war.

Now I say this day, when you see the warmongers who have whored themselves out to the systems of men, to the greed and the gain of war, know they shall pay for their sins, that is, they shall pay for their crimes against Me, against the innocent, against the ones who wanted no part of the same. And I say they shall pay for all of their play whereby they have used men to make earthly gain, whereby they have used men as mere pawns in their game called war, for I say, when I the Living God do release My war, I say there is nothing to be compared to the same.

Therefore I say this day, be glad that you can continue to look unto Me, to believe Me, to walk humbly before Me. And I say, be thankful that in the time of war, the sound of war, that you can find yourself in the peace that passes understanding, the peace that only I provide. For I say it is Me the Living God who is able to uplift My people and bring them into the realms wherein I abide. And it is Me the Living God who is able to give My people things such as they have never known before as they continue to trust, to believe, to hope each day in Me.

Now I say this day, count it a privilege to keep on trusting, to keep on believing, to keep on looking to Me. And I say, count it a privilege to walk uprightly in that which I the Living God do intend for thee. For I say, if you are ever purposed in Me, directed in Me and guided by Me, then I say you are given the truth, the life, the strength and the mercy of who I am. And yes, you are given the purpose that I the Living God do intend for thee, for I say that you are kept by Me.

Now I say, consider what a privilege it is to be hidden in Me, to be guided by Me, to be covered by Me, for I say, when you will continue in the repentance revolution that I ordained, then of course you will be at war, but I say you will be at war against the principalities of darkness, the evil forces that have spread themselves out throughout the land. And I say you will be at war with the forces of damnation that are abounding on every hand. And I say you will be at war with your old, degenerate nature, and I say you will not give in to the same, for I say you will know what it is to be on the side of victory as you continue in repentance before Me.

Now I say this day, be thankful that it is Me you can look to, that it is Me that you can believe. And I say, do not live in the fear of carnal men with all of their threats, with all their impending devastations, with all of their attempts at despair. I say, do not be intimidated by all that they say they will bring forth, for I say, remember it is not wicked men who rule in this earth, but that I the Living God reign supreme, that is, in the sense that I the Living God may utterly destroy them, I may bring them to naught. And I say that I can bring ruination of nation at the very turn of My hand.

I say this day, do not have any allegiances with the power systems of men, with the nations as they are, but I say, let your allegiance be to Me, the one true God you are meant to serve, for I say, you are not meant to be serving the puppets, the players, the fools who spread themselves out in proud array. And I say you are not meant to be caught up in their grinding systems, which use men as fodder for the game, but I say you are meant to keep continuing in Me, the one true God you are called to serve and obey.

And I say that you will not find your hearts failing for fear if you are steady in Me, that is, if you look to Me as the one you are meant to serve, to please and obey, if you look to Me as the author and the finisher, the beginning and the end, if you look to Me as the God of victory and triumph, the one who shall prevail. I say this day that I the Living God do not call My people to be in subjectivity to the wicked men, to the cruel masters, to the oppressors, but I call My people to be in subjectivity unto Me. And I say that I call My people to walk circumspectly each day in the way that I provide. And I say, when I call for the call to repentance, continue steadfastly in the same.

And I say, in the midst of war you shall find that many will rush to repent, for I say they will see the utter wickedness, the devastated heap that they have become, they will see how useless it is, they will see that all they have labored and longed and lusted and sought for is nothing but vanity before Me. And I say it is Me the Living God who will bring them low, bring them down through war, and it is Me the Living God who has declared the war, and it shall be.

Therefore I say, set your hope aright, that is, upon Me, continuing, believing and trusting in Me. And I say, look to Me as the one you are able to serve, look to Me as the one who knows fully how to humble men. And I say that the roots will spring forth and life shall come out once again, for I say it is Me the Living God who will bring forth My life in the midst of death, and those who are alive will rejoice in Me for the privilege to be redeemed, brought forth and guided each day in repentance in Me.