

No One Can Save Themselves

I speak unto you this day and I say that no one can save themselves by their own righteousness, for the same is nothing but filthy rags before Me. When people imagine that by being a “good person” or behaving…

Departed and Retarded

I speak unto you this day and I say: When people are choosing to depart from Me, they become retarded in their growth and development. While in these times people are assuming that they are so smart, they are actually…

A Divided Kingdom Destroys Itself

I speak unto you this day and I say that a divided kingdom will destroy itself, and the evils causing the division will continue even after the kingdom is brought down. If you look at the current condition of the…

Welcoming the Good Seed

I speak unto you this day and I ask: Will you be welcoming the good seed into your heart, or will you be rejecting the very seed that is sent to revolutionize your life? In this time, I the Living…

Do Not Be in Fellowship with Fools

I speak unto you this day and I say clearly: Do not be in fellowship with those who are fools, for their foolishness will fall upon you and you will not be able to stand against the same. The foolish…

Trust Agreement

I speak unto you this day and I say that I desire that you would enter into and remain in the trust agreement with Me. I want My people to be trusting in Me no matter the situation or circumstances…

Run into Me and Be Kept

I speak unto you this day and I say that I am your high tower of strength and safety, and you can run into Me and be kept in these times of instability and insanity. You are not meant to…

Protected by My Shield of Love

I speak unto you this day and I tell you of a surety that I do not intend for you to be afraid in these times of uncertainty, perversity, and insanity. This is because it is Me the Living God…

Will You Welcome Me?

I speak unto you this day and I ask you: Will you welcome Me? That is, when I the Living God do restore you and give you peace, will you welcome Me to live among you and receive My Spirit’s…

Tonight You Die

I speak unto you this day and I say: How foolish are the rich people of this earth who are only concerned with the here and now and not the hereafter! It is Me the Living God who desires that…