

Gratitude Increases Fortitude

I speak unto you this day and I say: Maintain the attitude of gratitude, for the same will give you the fortitude that you have need of to complete the course that is set before you. Inasmuch as you are…

Death Delight: Demonic Deceit

I speak unto you this day and I say: Be aware that the demonic powers that are unleashed in these times have encompassed multitudes with the deceptions as to how wonderful it will be to break through to the other…

The Cost

I speak unto you this day and I say: Because I want true believers, I want all who hear the call to “forsake all” to consider the cost of following My Son Jesus and putting His desire above their own.…

High Tower of Safety and Sanity

I speak unto you this day and I say that is Me the Living God who is the high tower of safety and sanity. As you can perceive, these are times when multitudes are bound in the troubles that are…

Classified Information

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is My intention that My people would receive the classified information that I have for them, which is ahead of the world and all of its so-called knowledge. I…

On the Brink

I speak unto you this day and I say that there are endless multitudes who are on the brink of destruction because they have followed after folly and lived their lives as fools. This is easy, for the devil and…

Faithful or Faithless

I speak unto you this day and I say that I do not call you to be living in the realms of unbelief, nor to be as those who have lost their faith in Me and have become faithless. Those…

Born to Be Bad

I speak forth this warning today to any and all who has ears to hear and will pay heed: Know that there are in these times people who are born to be bad, and they refuse to live any other…

Storms and More Storms

I speak unto you this day and I ask you: Are you ready for the storms and more storms that are coming? There are storms that I am sending in these times to wake people up to the reality of…

Fat Heart, Empty Spirit

I speak unto you this day and I say: I do not want My people to be as those who were My people of old, whose hearts were fat as they were full of their own understanding and their own…