I speak unto you this day and I say that when My Son Jesus walked among men, He performed miracles for those whose situations were impossible. That which appears impossible with men is possible with Me. I am the Living God and I do as it pleases Me, when it pleases Me. Therefore, do not doubt Me, but believe Me and know of a surety that I am indeed well able.
There are many who have taken the way of their own understanding, and because of that, they are unable to experience the supernatural realm wherein I abide. They do not see the miracles, nor do they perceive the experience of knowing My Son Jesus as their Master and Lord. While they make a pretense of religion and may even profess that Jesus is their Savior, they do not allow Him to be Lord over their lives.
I desire that men, women and children would know the miracle power that is found by those who are truly needy. When people are not ashamed to call out and cry out unto Me, then I am the One who is near unto them to guide them forth in the way that is full of My power and glory.
I am not dead, and those who desire Me to be so are wanting to play as though they are “God.” However, just because men may attempt to put Me in a box and limit Me and the power of who I am, do not believe that the same is true, for it is not. What is really true is that I am all powerful and I reign supreme. It is Me who is superior to that which men conjure up and invent as their gods.
Many in these times are taken captive by their own carnality, for they are believing in lies rather than the truth. When I make it evident to you what they are about, realize that they love deception and will choose the same repeatedly.
Do not exalt yourselves above one another and then imagine that through the same you will be given great light to walk by. Realize that you are needy of one another, just as you are needy of Me. I do not intend that My people would be exalting themselves by mental suppositions that they are perfect and that they are able to “hear clearly.” The ones who imagine they know it all have been smitten by “spiritual pride,” and the same is deadly.
Thank Me even this day that you do not need to be taken in the way of deception and destroyed by demons because of spiritual pride. Instead, you can seek counsel of Me through My Holy Spirit and those who are your elders in My way. Do not make false assumptions as to your own capabilities to hear and perceive. Be aware that there are many deceiving spirits in these times that will lead you astray and take you far from what I have intended for you to be guided by.
Therefore, be willing to humble yourselves in every situation and to receive what I have for you. Do not assume that what you want to do is always the right thing. There are many who are so determined to have their own ways that they will simply do as they please, and in the same imagine that they have achieved. They have achieved absolutely nothing except their own deceptions and deviation from the straight and narrow way that I ordain.
When you look at the condition of those who are claiming to be Mine, so many of them are settled into the compromise of their own understanding, and in the same are held captive by pride. Pride is indeed a killer, and it literally stalks Christian believers in order to overtake them and render them useless for My kingdom.
Did not My Son warn His disciples to beware of the leaven, that is to say, the pride of the Pharisees? This He did because He knew the danger of pride and the death it would bring to any who gave way to its seductive powers.
Be aware that you are not supposed to believe in your own greatness. You are to understand and realize how desperately needy you are of Me, for I am the One who gives you the way that is life eternal. Thank Me this day that through My Spirit I will direct your steps and guide you forth. However, if you choose to reject My counsel, you are rejecting that which is purposed for your growth and development in Me.
The proud are defiant and contemptuous towards humility, and do not want any part of the same. This is because they have locked themselves into the prison house of pride, and there they want to remain. Consider how much destruction is done, both naturally and spiritually, as men and women give way to pride and the blinding drunkenness of the same.
This day, do not make false assumptions that you know everything or that you are the only one that hears from Me. When you are doing that, beware, for pride has moved in and is devouring you. I want My people to be subject to My Spirit and to be subject to those who are true believers. Not all who claim they hear from Me are hearing from Me at all.
As I have told you, there are many false Christs who have made the claim that they know it all. Do not follow those who are so assertive and assuming as to their own control. They are not in control. In reality, they are being controlled by spirits of pride that will lead them into the path of their own destruction and damnation. Realize that pride has no boundaries in the sense of who it takes as victims, for it is a devouring force.
This day, humble yourselves to Me and do not assume yourselves to be something that you are not. Without Me, you are merely as the grass which will grow up, then wither and die and be blown away by the wind.