Those Hating My Prophets Will Be Hated

I speak unto you this day and I say that there are multitudes who claim that they are believers, yet they are not true believers. This is because they remain in control and dictate to themselves what they will believe and when they will believe. Essentially, they have not fully surrendered their lives to Me for My kingdom purposes. Rather, they are holding on to the reigns of their lives and supposing that they know better than I what they need.

These ones hate My prophets who come to them with the truth and expose their sins and where they are lacking in obedience to Me. While they put on a religious display, it is all for naught, because their hearts are far from Me. However, when anyone is inwardly despising My prophets and the words they speak, which are sent by Me, then they are not worthy of hearing the truth for they are liars, pretenders, and hypocrites. Reality is that I do not love them; I hate them, because they have chosen to hate My prophets, who are divine messengers sent to keep My people in Me.

In these times of hypocrisy, delusion, confusion, and outright insanity, multitudes are in the category of hating My prophets, and this is because they prefer the liars who cover them in honey-coated words of falsehood. This they prefer because they do not want to change and amend their ways; they prefer to pretend and put on a proud display of religiosity. These people are ultimate fools, for in all of their great exhibitions and displays, I see them in their secret sins and the abominations they commit in complete and absolute rebellion against Me.

Know of a surety that I am not mocked and I know what all people are doing as opposed to what they are saying, and the ones who are putting on their vain shows of religion do not fool Me, for I see them in what they do. While they may convince the ones who cannot discern between good and evil of how great and good they are, they do not convince Me. This is because My eyes are everywhere and nothing is hidden from Me.

Therefore do not be easily duped and deceived by these proud, arrogant, and deceptive fools who are preparing their own destruction and devastation by their overt choices for sin and rebellion against My word sent through My prophets. Be thankful that you do not need to despise nor reject the very words that I send to you, but you can receive the same with gladness and be purified by the same.

When you are truly listening to and obeying the messages that I send to you, you will not be afar off. Rather, you will be near to Me, for I am the One who does give to you the way that leads to eternal life. I do not give to My people the rotted food of the world that can only lead to physical and spiritual death.

Those who are wanting to eat of the world’s table and believe in the falsity, vanity, and insanity of the world will be poisoned by the food they have chosen to partake of. Their tables will be full of vomit, and maggots will crawl unabated in the filth of the same.

Keeping these things in mind, do not be as those who are full of stupidity and go headlong into their own destruction when they are choosing to oppose My standards of righteousness because they are self-righteous. While they put on their masquerades, know that they are full of shape-shifting demons because they project themselves to be what they are not, and all the time their intentions and secret sins are extremely evil.

When you see such ones who are in such hatred and opposition to My prophets giving forth the words that I want them to proclaim, know that it is because they are evil. Be alert and alive and paying heed to the messages that are given for you to hear the truth and obey the same. I do not want My people to be deluded to believe that they can do as they please, when they please, and be found acceptable to Me. They are not acceptable in such a rebellious state of being and they are proving themselves to be unworthy.

Thank Me that you can hear and obey the messages that I send to you through My prophets and honor the instructions and directives you receive by obeying them. Reality is that these are times of great and lasting confusion, and multitudes are caught up in the folly and foolery that is so commonplace now.

People, individually and as tribes and nations, have completely abandoned truth and are steeped in lies and will drink the poisonous tea of the same. Those who despise the truth will die by the lies they love so much. Then, their rewards will prove to be bitter because they chose to live in lies rather than the truth that I sent to them by My prophets. While they chose to oppose My prophets and call for them to be put to death, they are the ones who will be put to death by My determination against them.

Therefore know that as you are cleaving to Me, you will be receiving of Me, for I do not withhold the truth from the ones who receive My prophets and listen to them. To be able to hear, perceive, and receive the messages and the messengers I send is indeed a great privilege. When you hear the fools who are hating My prophets and wanting them murdered, know that the wicked will always desire those who bring the truth to be put to death.

So it was in the days when I sent My Son Jesus Christ as the greatest prophet of all and they desired to overthrow Him because His words exposed their sins. Since they were false in their relationship to Me and were merely religious pretenders and mockers by the way they lived their lives, they wanted Him dead.

So it is now, but I will give to those who hate My prophets death and damnation.