I speak unto you this day and I say: When you are seeing people who have gone completely out of control by their choices for sin, know that they are fools. This is because they are choosing to be losing out with Me as the One who bears rule over them, for they have thrown off My covering of love over them in their lust for heathen gods and practices.
I do not want My people to be in such a condition, for the same is deadly and will cause them many troubles and terrors. However, when My people are so whorish in their hearts and lusting for the gods that will do nothing for them, they must learn the bitterness of their folly.
Those who are foolish—and this includes individuals, peoples, tribes, and nations—as to choose in opposition to Me, I send My prophets, My messengers to them, crying out against their sins and calling them to repent. Yet, because of their sins, they will not repent nor return to Me. Instead, they are choosing to be losing, and they grow harder the more they listen to demons rather than My Spirit.
As the obvious signs of sin increase daily and the ruination and devastation that sin brings are plainly evident, such ones as have chosen to oppose Me grow angry and accusatory. They lash out at others near to them, and they lash out at Me. Some even resort to cursing and attempting to damn Me, when they are the ones who are damned by their own choices. Because they are blinded by pride and the drunkenness of the same, they are completely out of control and unable to stop themselves from bitterness and rage.
It is not My intention that people would choose such a course of bitterness, yet they do, and by the same they are shown up to be totally foolish and misguided by demons into hopelessness and despair. It is very evident in these times that the multitudes are in such conditions, as well as the so-called leaders, who are determined to bring ruination and devastation.
This is because these leaders are themselves possessed by demons and are under the commands that bring destruction, devastation, and death. The more insane and idiotic they become, the more out of control things are. The sin-diseases move like ravening lions and vicious wolves, snarling, ripping, tearing, and devouring humanity.
These leaders, set on their courses of death, seem to enjoy such happenings, and their enjoyment comes because they are sucking after sins and are out of control in their own lives and decisions. When a people of any nation give way to demonic control and throw off all standards of righteousness, know that such nations are setting themselves up to be devoured by the very demonic powers they have sold their souls unto.
When men and women get a taste of the lust for power, to some this lust becomes the driving force of their lives. They do not resist the demonic ambition and desire for control that comes into them and motivates their every action. Driven as they are by demons, they go on and on in rampaging and ranting their way to success, only to end in hell in the end.
When people are blinded by demons, they are out of control and have pulled down all boundaries and know no limitations that would hold them back from wild, wanton, and wicked ways. The riches and fame they accumulate stand as trophies to their dissatisfaction and never-ending lust for any and everything they behold. Because they have lost all respect and honor towards Me, all of their actions are under the banner of disobedience and rebellion against righteousness.
The drunkard is right in his or her own eyes, and as they stagger about, their minds inflamed by the powers of intoxication, they do not think or act according to discretion. In their befuddled minds, everything they do seems right to them, yet they are not right; they are all wrong.
Of course, in such conditions, they prove how utterly stupid they are. Yet, in their own concepts they are deceived, because they want the demons of drunkenness and destruction over them. This is because they are so out of control that they want the death that is inevitable, because by their own powers they are helpless to change, and death seems like the only alternative.
Despite the exterior exuberance that many display, they are essentially driven by the demons that control them, and they cannot get off the fast train to hell that they have boarded. As time marches onward, they become more and more debauched by their behaviors that are full of complete and total wickedness and motivate them to the destitution of their own destruction.
Know that I have sent My Spirit and My Spirit-filled messengers to such ones, but they do not want to listen to sound wisdom, nor yield the control of their lives to Me. They would rather live in the bitter poison of their rebellion than to repent and return to Me.
Take a good look at the nations of this world at this time. Many are in such vile stages of decay and debauchery that they are receiving My retributive justice in their lives and being taken down by the same. However, they still refuse repentance and are repulsed by the call, and they set out to destroy any who would call them to repent and return to sanity.
Inasmuch as they are demonically driven and possessed, there is no end to the wickedness they commit, and the same is multiplied daily. They have added sin unto sin until they are destroyed and sealed in damnation, burning in hell forever.