I speak unto you this day and I say that I do not want you to refuse the invitation that I give to you to be united to Me. There are, unfortunately for them, many who hear and do not answer. This is because they are wanting to have things their way, on their timing, and they do not accept My invitation to them. Such ones as these are of no use to Me because they reject My invitation and therefore they miss the opportunity that I intended for them to be united to Me.
These are times when people have grown so calloused of heart that they have no regrets over refusing Me and offending My Spirit by their choices. Know that I do not find pleasure in such ones, for they are choosing to be losing by their own behavior and refusal to come unto Me. Then, when they stand before Me, they will see that they are the ones who imagined that their way was going to take them somewhere, but what they will find is that their way has destined them to hell, and that is the somewhere they will face forever because they refused My invitation to them.
People have grown lazy and hazy in their spiritual lives, and they are believing their own lives to be more important than My will and intention for them. This is misconception and false assumption on their part, believing that they are able to live apart from Me and do their thing, whatever that might be, and still be found acceptable.
However, those who have rejected My invitation to be united to Me will find themselves as those who scoffed Noah in the time of the great flood. Since they refused the invitation to get into the ark of safety, once the door was shut and the rains came, they could not get inside.
So it is even in these times. I am giving forth the invitation for people to be united to Me, and those who accept will come in and be partakers of what I have prepared for them. Those who refuse will find themselves locked out by their own choices and decisions against Me.
If you stop and consider, Jesus did not do His own thing. He did My will, even to the extent of dying on the cross as the substitute for the sins of others. By His absolute obedience, He brought forth the way of salvation to all humankind.
With this in mind, consider that it is My will that matters in every circumstance and situation, because those who are doing My will are the ones who will be found well pleasing to Me. The ones who are pursuing their own lusts, whatever those lusts may be, will be consumed by their lusts and devoured by demons. These are times when there are demonic powers that are ever alluring and enticing those who are so inclined into the broad way, where they will be given many choices for self-destruction. Yet, their end will reflect the stupidity of their choices.
Be aware that every day, those who will remain united to Me must accept My invitation to be near to Me. When people grow weary in well doing and begin to accept demonic invitation to give consideration to the world and all of its wickedness, they are choosing to be losing out with Me.
These are very important times with reference to the future of this nation as well as other nations throughout the earth. Those who are accepting My invitation and walking in salvation will be united to My desires and pray for the same. Those who are lured into wickedness, whereby they will be ruled by demons, will be on the side of devastation, destruction, death, and damnation. While they may imagine that they are bringing in a better world, they are bringing in the world of the devil and his demons.
By their own determination, they are choosing for an antiquated cannibalistic communism that puts the elite few on top and everyone else in slavery to these “wondrous ones.” What they fail to realize is that the very systems they are esteeming to be the perfect will never work, and the human sacrifice and carnage that will be the consequence of their “new world order” will be their condemnation.
They will have the blood of millions on their hands and they will not be freed of the blood guiltiness of the same. Their cry for blood as they thirst for the lives of the unborn and even the newborn will stand against them in judgment, and they will not be able to escape the atrocities they committed. The reality of such creatures is that they will face the results of their choices and bear the guilt of the same as they are locked into the agonies of the damned and the everlasting burning in hell fire.
Do not ever imagine that these ones are able to escape My wrath, fury, and indignation. They do not escape. They are found bound in the emptiness of their never-ending lust for power while on earth, wherein they grow more and more insane and are thereby punished for their lusts. I am giving visual demonstrations of such even now, and people are seeing plainly the end of those who choose wickedness above righteousness.
Do not be enticed nor seduced by demons. Rather, be enabled to discern between good and evil by listening to and obeying the commands given to you by and through My Holy Spirit. When My people are invited to be united and they willingly accept the invitation, then they will be in divine celebration because they are redeemed. In times of terror and trouble, they will find that they are kept under the shadow of My wings rather than being in the shadow of Egypt.
This day and every day, make the choices that will give you eternal life in Me. Do not be afraid to proclaim Me in these times of vicious hatred against righteousness by those who are wickedness.