Racism Is Demonic and Damning

I speak unto you this day and I say: Beware the demonic tool of racism, for such a mindset is poisonous and deadly and is not of Me. I do not desire that My people would be involved in racism, for it is repulsive rebellion before Me. You are living in times when people are attempting, because of the bitterness and hatred that they have chosen to live in, to use the tool of racism to justify their own wickedness and wretchedness.

It is not My intention that people would be hating one another and attempting to destroy one another because of racism. In these times, there are NO PURE RACES, and those who are the biggest complainers about “racial injustice” are making their fortunes off of the race card. While they are continually complaining about racism, they are the biggest racists themselves. These gossiping, groaning, griping fools are literally full of blood mixture themselves and are stirring up hatred and violence because they are ambassadors of the devil.

This demonic and damning mindset is unjustified in these times because of the consequences that such a mindset brings forth. Those who are using racial injustice as the weapon of war are failing to face the reality that they themselves are grossly guilty of racial injustice. While one “race” is pitted against another, the truth is they are probably distant cousins. The fact is that I created humanity as “all one blood.” Therefore, when there is internal feuding within people of the same blood, that cannot be qualified as racism.

These are times when fat, gossiping, gabbling geese have made their racism declarations as the means of stirring up hatred, violence, murder and rape. Likewise, when fueled by these fat geese, certain groups assume they are justified to plunder, destroy, riot in rage, and burn down their own habitations as well as render useless the possessions of others.

If you stop and consider, all of these works are destructive and bring forth nothing except solidified hatred, bitterness, and revenge. All of the fruits that have emerged are bitter because the root is bitter, and those who want to accuse others of racism are racists themselves. Before Me, it is all a demonstration of demonic control and senseless babble that registers nothing but destruction as the goal.

Therefore, I would warn those of you who consider that you are My people: Do not lend your ears to racist comments and proclamations, for the same will cause you to erupt in raging and ranting. Racism is born of hatred and is the tool of demons to cause people to destroy one another and satisfy the lust for blood and death that is behind every demonic plot and scheme.

In these times, be aware that people are looking to use racism, sexism, transgenderism and every other ism they can use for their foolery. Be aware that you are not called to participate in their foolishness and lose out with Me.

All who fall prey to these powers of hatred, violence, murder, and plunder are coming under the devil’s plan and are acting out his agenda. As My people, be aware that you are not intended to be molded by the devil nor his demons. You are intended to be the clay in My hands and to learn to follow My Spirit’s commands so that you are not of the line of shape-shifting misfits and malignant monsters.

The reality of the works of wickedness is being unveiled and exposed as never before in these times, because so many have chosen in opposition to Me and have seen themselves as people with the ultimate cause. However, these people are grossly deceived because their ultimate cause is to destroy and devastate and bring to ruination through their abominations. Fools they are, because in all of their futile efforts, they are literally destroying themselves and inviting My wrath, fury, and indignation against them.

These ones who are so wise in their own conceits will end up damned and devoured by the very forces that gave them their so-called power. As they grow more rich, increased with goods and gold, and made more and more drunk and debauched by their belief in the liar, they are headed to hell. All the while, they do not see that they are only fuel for the very fires of hell that will burn them continually, and they will never escape their final prison houses.

I am not mocked, and those who have made themselves fat and increased as gossiping, grotesque geese will find themselves condemned by their very tool of race while they have abhorred My message of grace. So know that they are the ones who are literally going to be overwhelmed by the hatred, violence, rage, and murder they have instilled in others.

Know of a surety that vengeance belongs to Me and it is Me the Living God who will put to shame those ones who have made their fame and fortune off of playing the game of blame. The very “racism” they have accused others of will be their condemnation, and they will be locked in hell without their riches, their power and their fame, and forced to admit they are the ones to blame for their own shame.

Over and over, their own angry and accusatory words will return to haunt them, and they will scream in the agonies of the damned as they are in such torments that they cannot escape. Their lying words will serve as whips upon their backs, reminding them of all of their dramatic and traumatic shows they did, gaining their own damnation through demonic control. When the show is over and they are bound in hell, they will see through the folly of “racism,” as it is too late to hate anymore.