Hide Out or Hide In

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who wants you to hide yourselves in Me, for I am the high tower of strength and safety, and the righteous can run into Me and be kept. However, those who are full of sin will find that they must hide out continually because they are not finding entry into Me because of their sins and violations of Me.

Quite obviously, these are times when I the Living God am openly revealing and exposing those who are full of criminal corruption towards Me. Because of this exposure, they must “hide out,” thinking that somehow, they will get by on Me. However, these ones are fools, for they will never get by on Me because they have chosen to violate Me and despise Me, My Son, My Spirit, and My true people. While they have plotted and schemed to do away with all remnants of My kingdom, they will find themselves in deep and lasting troubles because I am bringing them to open and lasting shame.

There are many who have played their games with the powers they have secured by lies and promises they have never kept. In this, they have gained fame and fortune, yet all of these gains were built on sand, and I am bringing the shifting of the sands, and what they built is coming down. They will be left in the desperation that befalls the wicked, and they will seek to hide out from the light that will openly reveal their wickedness.

Know that these ones, while they have been seeking to make their power domains last forever, have come to the revelation that their houses are falling down. They will see the things they thought would be theirs forever being blown away by the winds of adversity that I am sending against them. Then, the stark reality of their perversity, diversity, audacity, and insanity will be openly exposed and their crimes revealed.

Is it any wonder that these ones, knowing their own demise, are seeking to find hideouts for themselves and all of their monies, jewels, and holdings that are of carnal value? Now, the ugly rottenness of their domains of devastation, destruction, and despair are being shown up, and they themselves are scrambling to hide out from the prying eyes and the pointed questions that are being thrown at them.

Why is this so? It is because vast multitudes are running from the reality of My everlasting power. They are partaking instead of the power of demons, all to their own destruction, as the power they have used will be now used against them. In the end, they will find themselves damned by the very sources and people they thought to be their comrades in crime.

Their secure cartels will be shown up to be far beyond the scopes of the cartels of drugs, weapons, money laundering, and human trafficking. This is because, while they imagined themselves to be global gods and lords of all, they will see their fool-proof cartels crumble, and they will run like rats to hide out. Yet they are fools, for there is no one on this earth that can hide from Me.

Be thankful that you do not need to try and hide out from Me. Rather you can hide in Me, for I am indeed the high tower, and as those who are warriors for righteousness, you can run into Me and be kept. Then, when the storms have passed, you can return to the battle for souls and boldly declare that it is Me the Living God who is the only safety to be found in this sin-diseased, degenerate, and decayed generation.

Proclaim both near and far that Jesus is King forever and all who will yield themselves to Him in true repentance will be freed from the penalty of their sins. Likewise, make open and bold declaration that I the Living God am giving the call to all who will hear, as My Spirit moves, to bring sinners to repentance and lukewarm Christians to repentance of their stagnation.

Do not be shocked at the confessions you will hear as people, moved by the power of My Spirit, will make open exposure of their own sins. This is because of the conviction of My Spirit that will fall upon them and cause them to see that yes, they are desperately in need of salvation. I am moving by the power of My Spirit and allowing the desperation, destitution, and desolation of their own lives to crush them to the point that they cry out, repenting and pleading for forgiveness and restoration to Me.

Therefore know that you are privileged to ask My Spirit to daily search your hearts, your motives, and your actions to openly reveal those things that are sin before Me. How simple it really is to daily cleanse yourselves of the filthiness of the flesh and spirit and realize that I do not find pleasure in a people who are willfully full of the filthiness of the flesh. Be glad even this day that through Me so are you uplifted and given My light on the path and enabled to trust in the guidance and commands of My Spirit.

If you stop and consider how many people are in helpless, hopeless, homeless heaps of desolation, be thankful that you are not having to “hide out” from the light of My Spirit in your lives. Rather, you can go through daily repentance and cleansing and stay in the way of righteousness rather than be consumed in the invitation of wickedness. Be glad that you are in the company of the redeemed rather than in the company of the damned.

The reality is that this is the time of My visitation, and those who hear and obey the commands and conviction of My Spirit can repent and hide in Me as the high tower of strength and safety. When they have been strengthened, they can return to bear witness of the mercy that has freed them of misery.