I speak unto you this day and I say: Do not be led astray nor away by those who live in delusion and confusion. You are living in times when multitudes have chosen the way of deception and are following after lies. I do not intend you to live in such a place, for the same ends in desolation of soul. This is why there are so many who are wandering aimlessly, because they are not anchored in the truth, nor do they desire the light.
Stop and consider that I have a pathway intended for all who are loving Me, and that path is the way of eternal life in heavenly dimensions. I do not intend for the redeemed who are seeking after righteousness to be contaminated by the rebellious.
Therefore, be aware that you are not to keep constant company, nor fellowship with those who are purposely living in the vanity of proud imaginations and delusions regarding their own greatness. You are called to be humbling yourselves continually and seeking your counsel of Me as your Master and Lord. When it is Me that you will look to continually, you will find that I give to you exactly what you need to be kept in the way that is intended for all.
My intentions are for those who are claiming to be My people, and My intentions are for them to live in the truth and the light. When the ones who are sincerely seeking Me will do the same, then are they enabled to partake of the heavenly glories that I so abundantly provide to them. They are not led down into the ditch of despair and heartbreak because they are far from Me. Rather, they are led in the way that is full of My love as they are guided by the Holy Spirit.
In these times when delusion and confusion cover the land in clouds of uncertainty, know that you can be continually partaking of the steadiness of My presence as you follow the Holy Spirit’s commands. You are living in times when collapse is coming, and multitudes will not know which way to turn, nor where to go. This is because they have built upon sand, and when the same shifts, they see their houses sink or completely collapse.
I do not intend for you to be a partaker of such tragedies as are increasing daily because of the rebellious who are refusing to repent and return to Me. I intend for you to be partaking of My stability and ability to keep you in the same. Therefore, do not be perplexed nor saddened when you see what happens in the collapse of things many have put their trust and confidence in. Rather rejoice that you have put your confidence in Me, and that I am indeed your Rock of refuge in the times of collapse and mass confusion.
Be thankful even this day that you can continue in the journey with Me and know that you are being led by My Spirit. Seek My face with other believers as you partake of that which I intend for you. In the times when more and more are becoming hopeless wanderers, be thankful that you are pilgrims appointed with My purpose and My guidance.
I do not call you to run after delusion and be overwhelmed in the same. I call you to walk uprightly in the sober mind of truth and be ever made glad for the same. Over and over, men and women choose the vanity of their own understanding and end up in the ditch of despair. As you see them in their various stages of decay and debauchery, know they are deluded souls who are headed to hell.
Thank Me this day that you do not need to look to hell as your future and that you can likewise turn others away from such a destiny. Continue to bear witness of My Son Jesus Christ as the Redeemer and Savior who desires for them to be forgiven.
There are literally multitudes who are dying from a thirst for My love. That is, their souls are dry, their minds and thoughts are clouded and cluttered, and they wander aimlessly through life, without meaning or direction.
Be constant in your confidence in Me, and bear witness of the same to those who are living in delusion and confusion. Likewise, bear witness of My kingdom by continuing to reach out in love to the ones who have given themselves to other masters, for they are hell bound. There are so many in these times who appear to have their lives in order, but they are terribly rebellious against Me, for they live in opposition to My way.
When you are eating of the living bread, you will see that the same is given by Me to nourish you and assure you of your salvation through Jesus. Nevertheless, you are not meant to only live for yourselves, but you are to be actively engaged with those who believe on Me. Your family and your friends are to be My people, for I have called you to be Mine.
Know that I am jealous for My people, in the sense that they realize it is Me and with My people that they are meant to abide. I do not intend that My people would fill themselves on the foolishness of the world by being in fellowship with the world’s people. Know that My delight is in the ones who obey Me and stay in subjectivity to the Holy Spirit leading and to one another.
Do not assume that you are solo in this walk with Me. You are not. If you are truly following Me, you will be glad to be in subjectivity to other like-minded believers, as you can learn one from another. Realize that My kingdom is the universal family of love which has been ordained by Me to represent the higher life.