I speak to you this day and I adjure you to keep on believing Me to the extent that you allow Me to give you challenges of your faith. What that means is that if I put a challenge of faith before you, you do not run from the same. Rather, you are willing to take the challenge and realize that the same will strengthen and expand your faith.
Do not cringe in unbelief, imagining that you just cannot do what I intend you to do. Rather, be thankful to take the challenges and to walk in the same being uplifted and brought forth by My power revealed. Over and over, it is important to be exercised that you keep moving onward in Me.
I do not call My people to live solely on their initial faith, when they believed on Jesus, My Son, and asked Him to be their Savior and Lord. Instead, My people are called to march onward in their faith by accepting the challenges put before them and being shown the rewards that come of the same.
It is a great and glorious thing to be expanded in that which I have given to you and to know that there are no limitations on faith. If you desire all that I offer, you can receive the same. However, such does not come by withdrawing from every challenge. Rather, faith is increased by accepting the challenges and going forth as My Spirit leads.
There are many vultures who use the word “faith” to exploit believers by ever demanding that their followers give them more and more money. These vultures claim that those who give the most money are being expanded in their faith. It is not Me who is making such demands; it is those who are greedy for their own gain. Such as these will stop at nothing to get what they want. They manipulate whoever they can to get the gain they lust for.
It is not My intention that My people would be the victims of vultures. It is My intention that My people would come into the realms of faith expansion. As they accept such a course, they are willing to enter into the good fight of faith and continue in such.
How glorious it is to be expanded daily in the realms that I have intended for you. When you are fighting the good fight of faith, you come to the realization of how important it is to follow the commands of My Spirit and use only the Spirit’s strategies in battle.
The closer you move to Me through obedience to the Spirit, the more you will come to understand that My mercies are ever present. As you face the many obstacles that would attempt to keep you from faith expansion, you will see how much the enemies hate the ones who are growing in their faith in Me.
I do not intend that My people would be kept in “church nurseries” whereby they are kept as babies forever. Rather, I intend for them to keep expanding and growing steadily in the presence and power that are given to the ones who remain faithful and true to the heavenly vision.
Therefore, be glad when you are faced with new challenges to your faith. Be taking those challenges with hope and rejoicing because you are serving Me and not your own selves. Consider how tragic it is to be serving idols when you could be serving Me.
There are multitudes who turn to idols rather than continue to allow My Spirit to lead them forth in faith expansion. Such as these are really dull and dumb by their choices, as they prefer spiritual sloth to being exercised and expanded in Me.
Do not be as the spiritual sluggards who are too lazy to be in My army of faithful followers. How often people choose to go to foreign lands as they are trained to become “hired killers” in the world’s military. They prefer to risk their lives and limbs under the guise of “defense of democracy” rather than stand valiant for the truth.
I am sorely displeased when people turn away from the challenges that are given to them in order to have real faith expansion. Those who go into the world’s military, yet scorn the very fact of My army, are spiritually dull and dumb.
Whenever you choose to believe upon My Son Jesus, you are choosing to have the battles that go with the same. I find no pleasure in the ones who desert, who turn back, become traitors, or who simply ignore the conviction and calling of My Spirit in their lives. These ones disqualify themselves because they make choices in opposition to the purposes that I have for them.
Do not be found among them, for you are called and chosen by Me to be faith giants. Faith giants are those who are commonly known as “the fathers in the faith,” who took the challenges that I put before them and proved to be true to Me.
Consider Abraham, who not only left his kindred and followed the leading of My Spirit, but did achieve great faith by being steadfast in the way of obedience. He offered up his son Isaac on the altar. He was willing to let the promise I had given him be offered as a sacrifice. However, his faith in Me saw him through, inasmuch as I provided the sacrifice.
His willing obedience gave testimony as to why he is referred to as the father of faith. Those who are true believers can look back to the actions of the faith giants and understand that these were true followers, who left the pattern for others to walk in.
My Son Jesus was and is the ultimate example of faith in Me as His Father. He trusted in My commands above and beyond anything else. He was commissioned, and He obeyed and fulfilled His calling. By the same, He opened the way of salvation to all people around the world. Why not accept the challenges and let faith expansion cause you to be a giant for Me?