Are You Meditating on Me?

I speak unto you this day and I ask you: Are you meditating on Me, or are you meditating on the world and the madness of the same? Of course, it is easy to let your minds be led away from Me if you are spending time on the world’s news and the world’s political insanity. I do not want you to be so absorbed in the world that you fail to bring your thoughts into subjectivity to the mind of My Spirit.

I have given to you the Holy Spirit, and you are meant to keep your thoughts in subjectivity to the same. I do not want you to be absorbed in the troubles of the world, for the world will always have troubles, and as long as the devil and his demons are around, they will cause those troubles. However, if you will bring your thoughts into subjectivity to the mind of My Spirit, then you will be shown the clear path in the midst of the maze of confusion and delusion that is all about.

Know that I do not want My people to be so engrossed in the troubles of the world that they are forgetting Me. When My people allow the demon powers to take over their minds, they grow doubtful and fearful and begin to look to the arm of flesh, and by the same invite unbelief into their lives.

I do not want My people to give way to unbelief, for the same is a gross evil and has caused multitudes to lose their souls and end in hell. I do not want you to be yielding to the forces of darkness that are roaming to devour and destroy; I want you to be uplifted, guided, and given the truth, for the same is what you have need of.

Therefore be aware that you need to keep your meditations on Me and My purposes and intentions for your lives. Those who allow themselves to be lured away from Me will pay for their choices, and by the same be taken into captivity and slavery. When you see those who have known Me then have turned to carnality rather than spirituality, what do you see? You will see sadness rather than gladness and rebellion rather than submission.

Do not imagine that the journey on earth is without troubles. It is not. However, you who are My people are meant to walk uprightly in Me and come forth knowing that it is My goodness you are meant to have. Therefore do not be partaking of the table of demons, for the same is poisonous and will alter your vision. Those who are eating of the table of demons will be of a bad disposition, for over and over they will be sickened by the same.

Do not be as those who are full of the darkness of the world then wonder why they have no joy. Consider that if a person is always eating of those things that are harmful to them, they are going to be sick by what they are taking in. Over and over, they will suffer the consequences of their consumption and not find inward peace. Their thoughts will affect their attitudes and their choices, and they will be unable to continue in the way that I intend and provide for them. Then they will suffer unnecessarily and by their sufferings become more and more unable to cope with the circumstances and situations at hand.

Over and over, in these times, people are seeking for solutions to their problems by turning to the world and the darkness of the same and imagining that there is help for them in the world. Nothing could be farther from the truth. How can the world solve people’s problems when the world is full of problems?

Be aware that as you turn your meditation to Me, I will, through My Holy Spirit, lead you to the solution to the problems that are plaguing you. Be thankful this day that I am the One who wants you to know that you can trust Me, for I am your Maker and your Keeper. There is no reason to pursue the world, for in the same you will find futility and hopelessness. When you think about what I do for you, be glad and rejoice, for if you keep stayed on Me, you will not be ashamed.

This day, bring your minds into subjectivity to Me and let My Spirit mind rule over you. If you do that, at the end of the day you will find that you have had a better day, because your meditations have been on those things that pertain to your spiritual life rather than your carnal life.

Do not be hasty to turn aside and take up those meditations that will cause you distress and sorrow and make you dread to face tomorrow. You are not meant to be found abiding in such a space. Rather, you are meant to keep your minds clean and think upon those things which pertain to My kingdom.

Let Me remind you again that the world will always have troubles, and those will not be done away with like magic, because the devil and his demons are in rule over the fallen world. However, you do not need to be a part of those troubles, but you can be a part of what I want and be actively participating in the war for souls that is constant. While the powers of the world are exhibiting endless human carnage, the destruction of property, and chaos on every hand, what is gained from the same? Nothing but more troubles, and revenge that is never satisfied.

Give Me thanks this day that you are not meant to be under the mindset of the world and by the same seek for revenge and hatred to be satisfied. Rather, you can keep moving onward in Me and let Me execute My vengeance when it is My time. Do not enter into battles unless you are led by My Spirit. Stand for righteousness, repentance, and restoration to Me.