My Light Shining Forth

I speak unto you this day and I say: It is Me the Living God who desires for My light to come forth shining through My people. When the world is in darkness as it is in these times, know it is Me the Living God who will cause My people to shine forth in the midst of such darkness. I the Living God do not fear for the darkness because I created the light, and the light can shine forth in even the gross darkness and show the better way.

The reality is that it is Me the Living God who is well aware of how darkened people are in these times, and I do not intend that they would be in such a place, but they are there because of their own choices. When leaders are evil and corrupt and people choose to follow them and adhere to their insanity, what comes of the same? They will be shown up to be the fools that they are, because if the blind are led by blind guides, all will dwell in darkness and the hopeless despair of the same.

Be thankful that the nations will be enabled to see, not because of electricity or battery or solar lights or torches, or flames of fires uncontrolled. No, they will see My light shining through My people all around the globe, as the ones who remain true to Me show forth My glorious light.

I know what it is that people are doing, and, of course, I am utterly disgusted with the vast multitudes who have gone after sin and are caught in the devil’s traps and snares. These ones easily give way to the rudiments of evil and transgress against Me continually, because their hearts are hard and they refuse the conviction of My Holy Spirit.

When such times as these are present, you are to keep clearly focused on Me and to obey without question the dictates and commands that My Spirit will give to you. Inasmuch as I give you the light, do not delve into the darkness as though there is something there for you. There is nothing for you in the darkness. However, there are souls crying out in that darkness for even a glimmer of light. Therefore be persistent and keep your first estate with Me, and understand that it is Me who will direct you in the plain path and you do not need to stumble, for that pathway is light, hope, and joy.

I will accept the ones who want desperately to be free of the darkness they are living in and to come up into the way that is light. When you see the wretched lives full of misery that they are in, know that I want them, as they repent and humble themselves, to receive mercy, for I am merciful. In all truth, I prefer for men, women, and children to be saved because they are looking to Jesus Christ and knowing Him as Savior and Lord.

It is a wretched and miserable life the ones who are in darkness are living, because they are far from Me. Yet they can be welcomed into My way, which is the light, if they are sincerely longing for change. However, if people in these times come into My light and are forgiven the penalty of their sins, and then they return to the darkness, they receive greater condemnation by their own choices to go back into misery and captivity.

Not all people who long for change keep that longing. Once they taste of the goodness I give, they turn against Me and long for the darkness and misery once again. Although they may be admonished by My warriors for righteousness, they long for the wickedness and will, like dogs returning to vomit, go back into the cesspools of sin and become more demonized.

It is indeed a foolish thing to be delivered and then return to captivity. Such ones as go in such a way become more possessed than ever and are unable to walk uprightly because they are yielding to demonic commands. I count such ones as unreliable, unstable, and unworthy.

If you consider that Jesus, who is the pattern Son, gave His all to obey the commands given to Him by My Spirit, even to death on the cross, those who turn back are unworthy. They are, by their willful disobedience and lust of the flesh, turning back and quickly accept the chains that held them captive as though chains are good.

When you see these ones, you are not meant to be held responsible for their behaviors, for they are the ones who are choosing to be losing and wanting the filthiness and wretchedness of sin above My way. Do not allow depression to overtake you because of their violations of Me. Instead, keep on giving Me thanks and praise, for I am the One who is Almighty.

Be aware that you are to keep on and allowing My light to shine through you and show forth My better way. I do not intend for My people to grow so attached to the losers that they lose out themselves because of the bad behavior of the fools who turn again unto darkness. Keep in mind that as you are walking in the mind of My Spirit, you will be uplifted and enabled to partake of the joy of My presence and to know that I am ever with you.

The more that you will look to Me, the more you will be enabled to see that you are called, chosen, and privileged to be the people of light in this dark and evil generation. Do not focus on the darkness and by the same become hopeless and helpless. Keep looking unto Me as the One you will please because you are the citizens of My heavenly kingdom and are intended to dwell in Me.

As you leave the dead to bury the dead, you can continue in the kingdom of light, love, and life, knowing that My way is eternal and My mercies are here. Be thankful that My mercies are new to you every morning and that you can be partakers of the light and walk in the light while others are in darkness.