The Cost

I speak unto you this day and I say: Because I want true believers, I want all who hear the call to “forsake all” to consider the cost of following My Son Jesus and putting His desire above their own. I do not want those who are sincere to start the course then turn back. Rather, I want them to pay heed to Me as the One they serve and obey My instructions to them, for it is imperative that they walk uprightly in Me and complete the course.

I do not want My people to be as those who are not determined enough to do as My Spirit directs them because they are not forsaking all, nor are they counting the cost. The cost of true discipleship is the forsaking and abandonment of all that is considered important in order to be in the service of My kingdom. Those who will truly be warriors for righteousness will take up the way that I intend, and they will continue in the same, each day purposing themselves to serve Me with gladness and rejoicing.

I do not want you to be as the ones who are living in estrangement from My arrangement for their lives yet are saying that they are My people. Such ones as these are unstable souls, for they believe that they can do their thing and be found acceptable to Me. However, the ones who are truly found acceptable are the ones who will continue steadfast and be directly dedicated to Me and My intentions for them.

In order to pay the cost, it is important to take the time to meditate on what Jesus has done for the redemption of your souls as well, as the souls of the multitudes who are desperately needy of His mercies. Jesus did not turn back, nor did He forsake what I had intended for Him. He completed the course that I had for Him. Because He did what He was called to do, He was crowned both Lord and Christ, and He gained the name that is above every name.

It is important to consider how much He suffered for the redemption of souls from their impending futures in hell. He took upon Himself the burden, the weight of sins He never committed, and gave Himself up to be crucified as the substitute for the sinners’ perishing. He stood before Me as My Son and the One who I have called to be the King of all kings.

These things considered, do not hesitate to call upon Him and to walk uprightly with Him each day. I do not want you to be forsaking Him after you have received Him as your Savior because you consider the course too hard to follow. This is why it is vitally important that you count the cost, to see if you are serious about your conversion to the point that you will forsake all and follow Him wherever He leads.

Sad to say, this world is full of those who started their journey then quit along the way because of the excuses that the enemies gave to them to keep them from continuing in the course. Such dropouts as these will be under internal condemnation by their own consciences, and in order to alleviate the pressures of the same, they take up lies and accusations.

The ones who have proven to be dropouts will use any justification that the demons they now serve offer to them to justify their wrong choices. They will viciously attack through accusation and character mutilation those who are standing strong in their faith and not wavering. Then they will degenerate even further to attempt to malign My Son, My Spirit, My kingdom and Me. All of these accusations will be returned to them in the Day of Judgment, for their sins will find them out, and they will perish.

Yet, because I am the God of mercy and forgiveness, I send My Spirit to overshadow them with the conviction power, so that when My true messengers come to them proclaiming the truth, they will repent and return. Of course, the majority will find themselves so locked in by pride that they cannot admit their sins and repent fully unto Me. However, the few who see their prodigal positions and truly repent will be received back into My fold and counted as sons and daughters welcome in My house.

I do not want those who have known My Son and tasted the sweetness of His love to be in the bitterness of gall that comes to the ones who refuse the invitation to repent, return, and be restored. Know of a surety that it is My desire that those who return would be on fire, for they will know the joy that comes of being found in My ark of safety.

Be alert and alive this day because it is Me who is the One True God who remains long after the idols of humanity have long been crushed and blown unto the wind. Know that I do not want you to be wasted in sin, but I want you to be the disciples I can trust enough to send forth into all the world to proclaim the Gospel so sinners hear and obey the call to all.

Throughout this earth, there are generations who have never heard the truth, and among those are hungry souls who are destitute of the truth and in captivity to lies. Do not live your lives in self-centered Christianity, for the same is full of falsity and vanity and is not of Me. Therefore, be glad to know Me as I am and to take up the way that I give to you, for that way is eternal and everlasting.

As you consider the cost of discipleship, likewise consider the cost of refusing then living in confusion and delusion because you rejected the most priceless treasure ever offered to you. The wise will choose to count the cost and come My way. The fools will only look at the here and now and count their sinful lives as more important than the eternal life and choose to lose their chance to be in My kingdom. Be glad to choose for Me!