High Tower of Safety and Sanity

I speak unto you this day and I say that is Me the Living God who is the high tower of safety and sanity. As you can perceive, these are times when multitudes are bound in the troubles that are evidenced graphically. This is because they are not seeking their refuge in Me. Rather, they are seeking refuge in the world and by the same are undergoing confusion and delusion.

I do not want this for My people, for they are meant to realize and practice coming into Me as the One who is the high tower of safety and sanity. As is plainly evidenced in these times, many are living in fear, uncertainty, vanity, and insanity. In such places, they do not find relief, except through the sins and evil habits that promise them relief, but the same are only temporary and bring in more troubles.

How foolish people are in this wicked generation because they are following the fools who are currently in rule by following their example, which can only lead to devastation, destruction, and damnation. I do not want My people to be in devastation, destruction, and damnation; I want My people to be uplifted in Me, for I am the One who is able to keep them from the madness that is constantly raging throughout the land.

Stop and consider how utterly stupid it is. Why do people go under such coverings and seem satisfied with ugliness and perversions? The truth of the matter is that multitudes are imagining, because of the coverings they are choosing to be under, that they can do their deeds of evil and wickedness and no one actually can call them into account. However, this is a false assumption, because they are allowing themselves to be deceived and they actually love it so.

I do not want those who are Mine to be under deception. Rather, I want them to know, understand, and realize I will give to them wisdom if they are wanting to be made wise. The end of the fools who are in rule will not in any way be blessed by Me. Rather, they are setting themselves up, by their own wickedness, to be damned and to live in the everlasting torments of their choices, which are for evil.

The evildoers do not get by on Me, and those who are following their examples will end in the same pit because they are believing in the liars and their lies. When people make their choices to be ruled by demons, they will not do good. In fact, they will commit such acts of wickedness that the righteous will be shocked at their behaviors.

This is because it is My time to expose the proud who are seeing themselves as invincible and therefore able to be go on forever. Reality is that they will not go on forever, for they will crash, and they will be crushed by the weight of their sins and shown up to be the miserable wretches that they are.

Therefore, be alert when you see the wicked spread out in proud array, deceived to believe in their own greatness, for they are in the stage of pompous pride, and their fall will soon follow after. Do not pity them when their sins are made evident, because they are deserving to be exposed and shown up to be the idiots they are.

Be thankful this day that it is Me that you can serve with gladness and rejoicing, because I am the One who bears rule over you, and I will keep you in the pathway of life, love, and light through My Holy Spirit directives. Those who are following My Spirit will not respond to the enchanting and inviting words of the lying leaders who will make promises they will never keep.

While these leaders are promising refuge to millions of illegal immigrants, they will easily dispose of these misled ones after the election is over. They will not bother to ship them back to where they came from; they will have them put to death because they were only to be used for the purposes of election fraud.

Be thankful this day that I the Living God do reveal to you the motives of the wicked so that you are not taken in by their sweet words or their false promises. Do not mourn what will become of them. Instead, be glad that as you are believing in Me and following My commands, you will not be disappointed in any way whatsoever. This is because you can come into Me when the wicked are rambling on and making promises they will never keep.

I am the One who is the high tower of safety and sanity, and as you are coming into Me and remaining, you do not need to be bogged down over the antics of the wicked, for their end is near. Be glad this day that when you are walking in My way, you won’t be made ashamed. Rather, you can come forth knowing that My hope is ever present when you have come into the high tower.

You are not meant to be fearful and faithless, without hope and crushed by sin. You are meant to be uplifted, strengthened, set right, and going forward in the way that I have for you, so that you are not devoured and destroyed. Thank Me this day that you are not under the rule of the wicked and deceived by their false promises and continual lies. Rather, you are directed in the way that is sobering truth that keeps you humble and willing to believe in Me as the One who is able at all times.

My way is intended for you, and the more that you are walking in that way, the more you see how perfect My way is. Likewise, you will be able to see that the way of the crooked will not be made straight, because they want to live in the criminality they have chosen. Keep choosing for Me, and be safe and sane.