Ostentatious Idiots

I speak unto you this day and I say that I am wearied with those who are ostentatious idiots who are always seeking for recognition, yet they are claiming to have love and compassion. Those who truly love Me will not seek for the recognition of carnal men and women. Rather, they will know, understand, and realize that it is Me that they need to please. I do not call My people to be in cooperation with the world and running eagerly after the ways of the world and not following in the way that I provide.

Stop and look at the world as it is in these times and how many there are who are so full of pride, self-confidence, arrogance, and impudence towards Me. Know they are exhibiting the ostentatious behaviors that are repulsive to Me and causing trouble for themselves and others.

If you seriously consider the world’s wars that are raging violently in these times, it is plain to see that those wars are not in accordance with wisdom. Such wars are not for the good of humanity; they are being fought primarily motivated by demons of pride and arrogance, whereby millions are senselessly slaughtered. This slaughter of the youth of many nations is so that leaders can boast in their achievements and victories that are not lasting, and these wars continue and multitudes are slain for the cause of pride.

As national and world leaders are in proud competition with one another, the youth who are used as their dupes die for nothing. Endless bodies of the young are seen to be slaughtered by the horror of the wars that prove nothing except that most leaders of today are ostentatious idiots who bring forth death.

As long as people pursue pride and refuse sound wisdom, there will be no end to the trouble, the turmoil, and the terror that are common, everyday occurrences in these times. When men have grown so outrageous in their exhibitions as to try and impress or terrify each other as they do, then it is only too obvious that these world leaders are insane and demon controlled.

When men who are in leadership will humble themselves and seek Me for guidance, then wisdom is returned and the slaughter will stop. However, because of the demonic powers that have taken control, compromising criminally-minded leaders, the ravages of war continue in the world.

I do not want My people to be swept up in the despotic nonsense that these leaders are bringing forth, nor do I want My people to be found listening to the ostentatious rantings of men and women who are demon possessed. I do not call My people to be under the control of those who are demon possessed, for My people are meant to listen to and be controlled by My Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth.

It is My intention that those who are true believers would keep themselves from the control of liars who are full of deceit and delusion and want to take others into the same ostentatious coverings they are in. Reality is that those who are truly walking in commitment to Me will not be giving themselves to such crushing criminals and their lies, because My people have discernment.

I do not intend for My people to be caught up in the wars of the world and to send their youth to die for useless causes that are the invention of demons who control the proud leaders of today. I desire that My people would be walking in peace with one another and being united for My kingdom, as the reality is that My kingdom is eternal.

Consider the endless nations that have become extinct and the human blood that has been shed because of pride, then you will see why these ostentatious idiots are not to be heeded by those who are Mine. Be thankful this day that I will keep and guide the ones who are desirous of Me and want to be in the way that I intend for them to walk in each day.

There are multitudes of youth who have already died for nothing, and their blood has been shed because of the ostentatious idiots who are in control of nations. Their families may grieve and be in deep sorrow over the loss of their sons and daughters, but that does not bring them back.

I do not want these things to be happening, but as long as the wicked are in control, such insanity will continue. I do not put approval on those who are determined for death, for they are choosing their own destruction and damnation by doing what I never intended for them to do. Over and over, the manifestation of the devil’s agenda remains, as people yield to the wicked one and his demons rather than cry out to be covered by Me and directed by My Spirit.

Be thankful this day that you do not need to be caught up in the useless conflicts that these proud and foolish ostentatious leaders of today bring forth. Rather, put your strength, your heart, your body, and your soul into the cause that is worth living for, fighting for, and dying for; that is, the cause of Jesus Christ, who gave Himself as the ransom for those who would believe upon Him as their Savior and Lord and be redeemed by His blood.

As you are serving wholeheartedly, you will not be lured into false causes that bring forth nothing but violence, destruction of human lives, ruination of properties, and all of the atrocities that are the consequence of worldly wars.

Give Me praise this day that you are privileged to be saved by the blood of Jesus, healed by His stripes, and delivered by the power that is in His name. Do not be lured into nationalism and the pride of the same, when the nation you are the citizens of is My nation, the kingdom of the eternal God.