Are You Heavenly Minded?

I speak unto you this day and I ask you: Are you heavenly minded, whereby you want to be found abiding under mind of My Spirit? To be heavenly minded is to be adhering to the mind that keeps you in Me. I do not want My people to be found in the dimensions of the world, whereby they are troubled continually by the powers of darkness that are found in the world. Far too many souls are daily being devoured by these powers of darkness that are devastating, destroying, and demonizing humans. Then, they are acting out the deadly, destructive will of demons rather than My will.

Those who are under the direction of demons are found in all levels of humanity and they are continually causing troubles and vexations to people, including some of My people. However, through Jesus Christ, My people are meant to exercise the authority that they have over such forces of darkness, as they bind them and cast them out. I do not want My people be fearful of demon spirits, nor to be subject to them. I want My people to be subject to My Spirit mind and by the same be found heavenly minded.

There are multitudes who have abandoned themselves to the cares of this life, and by such abandonment, they are taken into captivity and bondage and are found unable to be set free. I do not want those who are Mine to give way to the cares of this life and be ruled by the carnal mind, which is always centered on self, and by such concerns lose out with Me. It is Me the Living God who will take care of My people, and it is Me the Living God who will not fail to provide for the ones who are Mine.

Therefore, keep this perspective, for when you are adhering to Me, you will not be made ashamed. Rather, you will be uplifted, brought forth, and guided in the way that is My way. When those who are Mine are keeping themselves under the mind of My Spirit, I will provide for them all that they have need of, and by Me they will not be found lacking in any good thing, for I am able.

When anyone wants to serve Me and they repent to Jesus and receive Him as Savior and Lord, they are meant to come into and remain in the new life that is given to them. In order to maintain the integrity in Me that I desire them to have, they need to come forth knowing they need to be under the mind of My Spirit, which is the heavenly mind.

Those who are born of the incorruptible seed are not meant to be giving themselves to the carnal mind and ever following the same. They are meant to be giving themselves to Me and knowing that through Me they will be enabled to partake of truth, light, love, and life.

Stop and consider that, under the carnal mind, people are only receiving that which will prove to be distress and sorrow to them, for they are sowing unto the flesh, and by such they will reap corruption. Those who are carnally minded and are assuming that they are Christians need to abandon themselves more fully unto Me. Those who want to remain in the realms of carnality are actually bowing to the old nature and are slaves to the same.

I do not want you to be as they are, for these are foolish and full of vanity, ever pursuing the world’s way rather than My way. I do not want those who are Mine to be in pursuit of the world, for the same is emptiness and they become dull and dumb by their choices to keep in constant touch with the world. When My people will cleave to Me and desire My way, they will not be made ashamed. Rather, they will be enabled to see clearly that My way is the good way and that I intend for My people to remain in My way.

As is evidenced in these times, far too many have chosen to adhere to the world, and in doing so, they lose out with Me, for they take up and act out what demons motivate them to do. Look at the degradation, the debauchery, the drunkenness and drug addiction being evidenced among national and world leaders as well as the common people. There are very few who are righteous among them, and this is because they are bowing to the pressures of those who are full of darkness.

Be aware that there are endless realms of corruption that I am exposing in these times, because far too many are believing in the liar and his demons. The devil and his demons are liars, and the more that they tell lies and present delusions, the more that the common people will accept the coverings of the same and come under the insanity of their inventions.

Do not be as the multitudes who are so easily manipulated and maneuvered into the madness of these times. Keep under the mind of My Holy Spirit and remain in the heavenly mind so you are not swayed nor persuaded by the lying and deceiving politicians and power mongrels who want only to rule.

Be knowing of a surety that I the Living God am not mocked, and when I say that I will bring down the proud and haughty who are deceivers, who are deceived, know that I will do just that. Keeping this in mind, do not succumb to the fears and feebleness that come of doubt and unbelief. Instead, be constant in your faith, your hope, and your desire for Me.

It is Me the Living God who will guide you forth by a plain path and direct you in the truth and mercies that I have ever available to you. When you are faithful to adhere to Me, then I am faithful to give to you all that you need and give you the courage to walk in the heavenly dimensions because you are not trusting in the carnal mind of death but the Spirit mind of life.