Cannot I Fully Restore?

I speak unto you this day and I ask you: Cannot I the Living God give to you the restoration mercies that you need? Know of a surety that there is nothing too hard for Me, and when it is My time, as it is now, do not believe the lies of the liars and do not take on their coverings. I do not want My people to be as those who are believing Me one moment, then allowing the lies of the liars to hammer them to the extent that they go down. Those of you who are truly My people are not obligated to listen to the liars who are so intensely interested in causing you to fall.

When I give forth My word, know that it does not return to Me void. Rather, it accomplishes what I have sent it forth to do, and there is no reason for you to believe the lies of the lying demons and fall prey to their poisonous words. I have intended that My people would cry out to Me to help them to walk continually in the powers that I provide and to be accepting and not rejecting of all that I have intended and purposed for them. In these times of outrageous behaviors by the wicked who have conspired to devastate the truth and destroy those who stand for truth, know they shall not prevail.

The reason that I make such a declaration to you is that you are meant to be independent of the rule of carnal criminal despots who want to see the truth trampled and those who proclaim truth destroyed. However, if you will keep your vision upon Me, you will not be brought down. Rather, you will be uplifted and given the hope that I delight to give to the ones who are knowing that I am who I say that I am.

This is the dawning of a new day, and I know that those who remain true to Me will not be listening to the liar tell his lies. In fact, they will be proclaiming the truth and partaking of that truth with gladness. There is no reason to be in betrayal and go down under shame and inward condemnation when you have failed. Rather, this is the time to turn away from wickedness, to march forth in righteousness, and to see that I the Living God am ever present to give to you the benefit of My mercies and goodness.

Take what I offer and do not be listening to the lying spirits that want to crush you down and cause you to live continually under condemnation because they feed you with doubt, fear, and unbelief. You are not intended to eat the rotten food of demons; you are intended to eat the bread of heaven that I delight to give you. Just as the manna was fresh and new every morning to My people in the wilderness who had failed to enter into the Land of Promise because of fear, so do I have My bread for you.

Therefore, do not be involved in the troubles and sorrows that are the cup of those who do not trust themselves to Me. Instead, be making your commitment to Me each day because I am indeed the God who is caring for you and causing you to come forth ever uplifted and given My light. There is no reason to accept the darkness, the dreariness, the despair, and the dread that the demons want to put upon you. Simply obey My Spirit commands as they are given to you, and by the acceptance of My mercies you will know and understand just how good I am to you when I shine My light on the path.

If you really stop and consider that there is no other god who is like unto Me, then you will see how many are deceived by demons and have taken up gods that cannot save them from anything. In fact, those gods will only bring upon them ruination and devastation in the end, as they chose idols above Me. Do not think that you must serve idols or have respect for the demons that are at work to devastate your faith and confidence in Me.

Keep on believing and you will keep on receiving of Me, for I don’t withhold any good thing from those who will walk uprightly and keep solid in their commitments to Me as the One they want to please. You are not obligated to be in servitude or slavery to the demon powers attempting to take over your lives. Remember you are born again of incorruptible seed, and you will gain strength as you are adhering to My Spirit’s commands that are given to lead and guide you into all truth.

These are times of change, and some are saying that righteousness cannot be restored. However, in such declarations they are siding with the devil and his demons and concluding that they win. How can such dark shape-shifting entities win when they are already defeated and will remain under the feet of those who are determined to keep doing My will and not their own. If you will recall, it is Jesus who conquered every force, and it is Me who has given to Him the name that is above every other power and principality.

Do not fail to put to good use each day the inheritance you have in Him and use the power of His name and resist, refuse, and rebuke the unbelief brought on by listening to the demons that want you to collapse to their lies. You have the power to proclaim that I the Living God will restore and that there is no one who can stop Me.

Be attentive and actively obeying the Spirit commands and directives that are being given to you daily that you are not a victim of the lying and devilish demons that have sought to devour. Do not disappoint Me, but rather please Me by standing strong and being those who are warriors for righteousness and know that through My power you will see righteousness restored and My mercies poured forth. Refuse the lying spirits that want you in misery. Receive the truth and know mercy.