I speak unto you this day and I say that since I have given you mercy and forgiveness, I expect that you would do the same towards others. Those who extend mercy will have mercy returned to them. However, those who inflict misery will have misery returned to them. Therefore, when dealing with others, keep in mind that you have received mercy that you did not deserve and that your sins have been forgiven. Likewise, be willing to forgive those who have wronged you, as you have been forgiven by Me.
If you open your eyes to the injustices that are executed among people in these times, it is a tragedy to behold because the world is being ruled by demonically inspired men and women who are wicked. They scoff and mock righteousness and despise those who are merciful as mercy should be given. While they put on a masquerade of compassion, they are hypocrites, for they are only wanting to invite in those of a criminal element in order to gain more power.
Yet, when they have used such ones, they will turn on them in fury because they will see them as useless eaters and worthless garbage and they will get rid of them. The means they use to rid themselves of the useless eaters and vermin will not be compassionate at all. In fact, they will round them up like wild dogs and impound them in facilities that they cannot escape and exterminate them.
The depths of pretension and hypocrisy are being made evident, and those who want to face reality and obey the commands of My Spirit will cry out against the wickedness that is currently ruling nations. Some nations are awakening to how much trouble they have invited to themselves by allowing criminals to invade their nations. By that awakening, they are gathering such ones and shipping them back to their nations of origin.
However, other nations, still in captivity to wicked rulers, are seeing the never-ending flood of aliens becoming more and more unbearable. Although the cry goes up to stop the flood, those in power think to remain in power by giving rights to vote to those who are flooding in with no restrictions.
Such disturbances are causing sore distress, and multitudes are growing more and more disgruntled by such an invasion of criminal invaders who are robbing, ranting, rampaging, and rioting. These invited invaders are raiding and looting, raping and kidnapping, committing violence and murder, with no legal retribution being given to them. They may be arrested, only to be released to return to the same wicked and evil deeds against the host nation that has invited in the elements of internal collapse in order to gain votes.
All of these illegalities bring on multiplied sorrows and sore distress because leaders have closed their eyes to the calamities and chaos that are current. The leaders who have so glibly invited in these alien invaders do not want them near the mansions they own, nor do they want to share their luxuries with them. Instead, they leave the criminals to encamp in cities that are going bankrupt under the load of invited invaders who see themselves as able to do anything they please and not be punished for their crimes.
How could one show mercy in such circumstances? Only through and by the direction of My Holy Spirit can those who want to please Me be shown where I am giving mercy. Of course, as you choose to obey My Spirit commands, you will be enabled to show mercy to those that I designate. However, you will not be as a dying cow, being sucked to death by leeches and taken into starvation by the same. Do not judge situations and circumstances by your carnal understanding. Rather be desiring My Holy Spirit to give you the mind that is sensible, safe, and sane.
Those who are walking in the mind of My Spirit will realize that I am not the author of the confusion that is bringing inward and outward collapse. The ones who are warriors for righteousness will understand that I the Living God do not want My people to be under the delusion of false compassion, only to be disappointed in the end. Rather, I want those who are Mine to adhere to the mind of My Spirit and be in obedience to the orders, commands, and dictates that are given by the Spirit.
I do not want My people to be lured into listening to demon spirits that give out the rhetoric of revolt against righteousness and bring in more insanity by the same. I want My people to adhere to Me and do as I desire and require of them in every circumstance and situation.
Therefore, in these wanton, wayward, wicked, and wild times, be aware that there are shape-shifting demon forces that are in power and that their agenda is one of destruction, devastation, despair, death, and damnation. Do not be lured into their delusions and become victims of confusion and madness. Rather rejoice that it is Me you can serve in gladness and thanksgiving, as you have been given mercy and not misery.
Know of a surety that when it is Me that you want to please, you will have My Holy Spirit to guide you through the cluttered confusion that will be cleared away. This clearing will come by My hand as I bring down My fist in retributive justice and manifest My wrath, fury, and indignation. However, you do not need to live in fear if you remember that to those who have given true mercy, I will return mercy to them. Likewise, those who have brought down misery upon the multitudes will be given misery multiplied, both now and in hell forever.