I speak unto you this day and I will tell you that endless multitudes are in hell because they did not keep up their guard against sin and worldliness. Because they grew too comfortable and were complacent, they abandoned themselves to many troubles, and those troubles didn’t end for them. Instead, their sorrows and their troubles were continually multiplied here on earth, and they were invaded, raided, and degraded because of their choices. They chose in opposition to Me and by those choices they were taken into captivity, and where they had once known freedom, they were made the captive slaves of demon powers.
When I the Living God do send My messengers equipped with the Holy Spirit covering and people refuse to listen and obey the message sent to them, then they are choosing for demons. Of course, the demonic powers will rush in upon them, and their lives will reflect the rule of demons rather than My rule. The consequence is that they end in hell because of their rebellion and refusal to keep themselves for Me and to obey the commands of My Spirit.
Of course, I do not want those who are Mine to be taken in such distress and dismay; I want them to be uplifted and brought forth in the newness of life that I give to them. Yet, because people allow their minds to be invaded by demonic suggestions and enticements, they will find themselves being raided by such powers of thievery that will separate them from Me. Then, they will likewise experience degradation in their morality, their spirituality, and their attitudes. No longer will they see clearly, but their vision will be tainted by their choices against Me, for they are bargaining with the powers of darkness, which will end them in death and damnation.
It is not My intention that people would end in the ravages of hell because they are so far from Me. My intentions for My people are mercy and miracles, and when they choose to bargain with death and damnation, know that they will gain the same rather than walk with Me.
Be thankful this day that you can, if you so will yourselves to obey, come forth knowing the power that is found in and through Me. I do not want My people to be taken down into the throes of doubt, fear, and unbelief, and likewise lose out with Me. I want My people to come forth enthused, encouraged, and empowered by the strength that I desire to give to them.
It is very obvious when the overt wicked are in rule, that they try and take into captivity as many as will listen to their deceitful delusions and take on the covering of lies. Once their captives are covered in lies, they too will become degraded, for they have been raided of integrity and invaded by demons much more forceful and gross than they have known.
These demonic powers will drive their captives to commit horrid sins and crimes against humanity and against My righteousness. Those who have been invaded and taken captive by demon powers will of course become rebellious against My righteousness and join the hate army of destruction, death, and damnation.
When the open reality of the cruel hatred that will be manifest by these wicked people and their leaders is openly revealed, there will be no end to the shockwaves. However, those who are Mine will not be shocked, because they are fully aware of the degrees of wickedness that are evidenced by the devil and his demon forces that want only to destroy the ones who once served Me.
These things in mind, it is imperative that you keep yourselves from the endless wickedness that is abounding on every hand. The only safety that is lasting is to keep your covenants and vows with Me and obey the Holy Spirit commands. Do not in any way listen to the whispering of evil spirits and be enticed by these forces. It is the obligation of those who are claiming to be Mine to keep themselves clean from the clutches of demons and the powers that cause people to become shape-shifting ghouls.
The reality of this war against evil is being made evident in these times, when the shape-shifting ghouls that are in leadership over the nations are not to be trusted at all. This is because to make a bargain with the devil and his demonic powers as they have is to yield to destruction, death and of course damnation. The agenda of the wicked one has never changed, and those who are foolish enough to enter into that arranged agenda will find that they are automatically consumed and devoured.
Do not be as the lazy, the hazy, the neglectful, who end in hell regretful because they were foolish enough to listen to and bargain with the devil and his demons. Instead, be giving yourselves to righteous resistance against the death agenda and be proclaiming the truth in the midst of lies.
It is imperative and important that you continue steadfast in the way that I provide and do not take the broad way that leads to destruction. When you are called and chosen, remain faithful and do not become fearful. It is Me who wants you to know the keeping power that I provide for the ones who are true to Me.
There are many who want to demand that they receive the promises that I have given for the faithful, the true. However, these ones are fools, for they are living double lives and are not walking uprightly in Me, nor are they in obedience to the commands of My Spirit.
Do not feel sorry for such ones, for they are not remaining in right standing and are making choices that are a shame to My name. Simply declare the truth and live the truth.