I speak unto you this day and I say: Do not look to the ones who have strayed from Me and imagine that they are full of happiness and joy. The truth is that they are full of vanity, for they have chosen in opposition to Me and they will receive their just rewards.
When it becomes highly visible, as it is in these times, that I am bringing forth My wrath, fury, and indignation, know that those who have strayed from Me will pay for their play. That is, in essence, they will be judged along with the wicked, for whenever anyone hardens their heart and stiffens their neck against Me, they become wicked.
Know that I the Living God absolutely do not find pleasure in those who stray from Me and are deluded into believing that they can enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season and then return to Me. Reality is that multitudes who do such things are found hell-bound and never make it back to Me. This is because the devil and his demons close in around them, and they find themselves in captivity, unable to escape the same.
If you stop and consider how many people there are in hell who once were Mine, it is truly terrible. This comes because people do not keep their vows or their promises to Me, and they are the ones who choose to lose and then face the consequences of their straying and playing.
I do not want My people to be found among those who are whoring around on Me. Rather, I want My people to be faithful and true to Me as the One they love and put first in their lives. Yet, if people prove to be unfaithful, then they are unworthy and they do not enter into My kingdom, nor are they useful for My purposes.
Those who go after the folly of their own ways are literally a shame to Me, because they are full of corruption and become more so the longer they remain under demonic rule. Those who are choosing the rule of demons are choosing the course of their own destruction, and in such choices, their lives become full of misery. No longer do they know My tender mercy. Rather, they are living under cruel misery brought upon them by demons who rule them in cruelty.
Do not believe those who have chosen to play the whore on Me and then declare that they are at last satisfied. They are not satisfied with lasting satisfaction, because they will grow restless and turn to the wanderer’s trail, becoming more and more lost as they journey on the same.
It is senseless for those who have served Me to allow themselves to ogle the world and to become filled with the ugliness and desolation of the same. When those who are Mine are found in the condition of departing from Me, where do they end? Needless to say, they end in the desolation, desperation, destitution of their own destruction, then they face damnation.
If you stop and consider, how foolish it is to imagine that life is better among those who are godless and have no conscience towards Me! How could life be better among those who are capable of all manner of evil and doing those things that are abomination in My sight?
In these times, because the coverings over nations are evil, the people are led blindly into the ditch of their own destruction and damnation as despotic and demonized leaders lead them into realms of vile and wicked behaviors. Those who are trusting that the leaders of nations are righteous are fools to believe such fantasies.
Most of those who are proclaiming their own greatness are mere puppets in the hands of demons who are ruled by wickedness themselves. Therefore, their agendas are not really their own, and if they attempt to deviate from such agendas as are delegated for them to follow, they are done away with. The truth is that politics is a dirty game, and there are few who can stay honest in such a game, because the whole thing is controlled by unseen forces.
The conditions of nations are perilous, and treacherous beings are all around, overshadowing leaders with lies and convincing them that they cannot ever change or be wrong. Therefore, many such leaders become obsessed with pride and they are totally contemptuous towards anything that I would desire of them.
I do not want you to be involved in their madness, for the same will prove to be despair, depression, defeat, death, and damnation. This is My time, and I the Living God am causing these cannibalistic communists to turn on each other and be devouring one another in their attempts to cover their own wickedness. However, when these thieves, liars, and murderers are exposed, the revelation of the depths of wickedness revealed will be astounding and horrifying.
Therefore, do not be shocked at the grotesque and gross wickedness you will see among the ones who are claiming to be so compassionate and caring. They will actually exterminate the very people they have enticed and enchanted with their promises of never-ending utopia.
In fact, the whole scheme of things that is so prevalent in these times will soon change, and those who have made such promises and used enticements to bring in aliens will turn on those aliens. Then such ones will find themselves rounded up and stuck in far-off camps, where they will be left to destroy one another and be likewise exterminated themselves by their hosts who so cunningly welcomed them in.
In fact, such measures are already being enacted, but are not known by the public as of yet. This is not the time to stray and attempt to play. This is the time to consecrate, dedicate, and remain true and faithful unto Me and be kept.