I speak unto you this day and I say: Do not be fearful of the times of trouble that are presently transpiring throughout the land. I do not call you to go under the troubles that are besetting the wicked and those who are godless because they are not covered by Me. Yes, it is true that these are times of uncertainty, instability, insecurity, and insanity for the world’s people. However, those who are true believers in Me will see that I give to them times of joy, because they are My people and I am their covering.
Be thankful this day that you can come into Me, for I am the One who is meant to be your refuge and your covering. When it is Me that you are looking to in faith, hope, and trust, you will not be made ashamed. Remember that you are the citizens of the higher kingdom wherein I abide. I do not want you to be troubled and terrified; I want you to see Me glorified, for when people are needy, then are they humbled enough to receive My Son as their Savior and Lord.
The reality is that people have been trusting in a vast multitude of power sources that do nothing for them. Because their castles of contentment are crumbling before their eyes, they are reaching out. In such times as these, I send outpourings of My Spirit, and people are being converted to Me because they are seeing once again that I am the Almighty. Be thankful even this day that you do not need to have confidence in crumbling castles and antiquated communistic plots of deception. Rather, you can have confidence in Me.
Whenever a nation is subject to demonic rule, then you can expect that such a nation will have inward feuding and friction that will not cease. In these present times of trouble, there are literally government agencies that are operating according to their own agendas and are plotting overthrow. Many of these secret agendas have been hidden even from those leaders who imagine that they are in control.
While this nation has had an aging, senile puppet president, he has been controlled by forces of devastation, destruction, and damnation. The family cartel has accumulated great wealth and given to other nations what rightfully belongs to this nation. The family cartel is controlled by other powers much greater than they are.
The depths of wickedness are yet to be revealed, and those who are the puppets are controlled by the phantom puppet masters who are literally demonic beings of gross wickedness. This is why I the Living God am raising up My warriors for righteousness. They will receive and obey the commands of My Holy Spirit and cause havoc against these hellish entities of deep darkness that rule hidden in the shadows.
Be aware that there will be many plots, schemes, and delusions of confusion that will be revealed and exposed in the years ahead. In fact, I the Living God will bring about a total overhaul among nations, and some will no longer be, while others will emerge. Likewise, I will put My covering of blessedness upon those peoples, tribes, and nations that recognize Me and come back to adherence to My principles of operation.
If people would cooperate with My principles that I have given for them to live by, the evil ones would not have the powers they have gained. However, because of rebellion and pride, there are many troubles and terrors that are daily being rained down as I reveal My wrath against the wicked and the slothful who have refused to choose for Me. It is inevitable that people all around the world will reap what they have sown, and because of that, they will find themselves in the destitution of destruction that comes. They cannot stop the reaping process, for they are the ones who have sown to wickedness rather than righteousness.
The ones who have chosen for Me, My Son, My Spirit, and My kingdom will be uplifted and given insights into the condition of things as they really are, and be able to differentiate between the precious and the vile. I do not want My people to buy into all of the schemes and dreams of proud fools who have been seeing themselves as invincible and everlasting. The reality is that no man or woman is immortal. Those who are insane enough to believe they are immortal will find themselves left in the end of their delusions facing hell forever.
Be thankful this day that you do not need to be deluded, deceived, and dumbed down by demons. Rather, you can be uplifted, given a sound mind, and walking soberly in the way of righteousness and holiness that I will give to you each and every day. Therefore, know of a surety that I do not withhold any good thing from those who walk in the way that I have given for the redeemed who desire righteousness.
Not all who declare, “Lord, Lord,” will serve Me or respect Me, for when they face persecution for identity with My Son, they turn back and follow Him no more. Such as these are foolish children who are as the prodigal son, wasting their inheritance. Many of these will perish because they are too proud to repent, and they will be found under the wrath that I am bringing upon the rebellious.
Do not lend your ears or your eyes to the demonic enticement and enchantment that is constant in the world. Remember you are pilgrims and strangers, and this world is not meant to be your final abode. There is My kingdom awaiting you as you walk in the fearlessness that I will cover you with as you declare My kingdom to the demonized and damned.