Ask in the Name of Jesus and Receive

I speak unto you this day and I say that I desire that My people would know and understand the power that is found in the name of Jesus and realize that they are meant to ask and likewise receive, as they are living in Him. I do not want people to live in estrangement from Me by coming to Me in the names of foreign and alien gods. I have given to humanity the name by which they are to approach Me, and when they are obedient to My intention, then they will receive of Me, for I will answer them.

There are endless multitudes upon the earth who imagine that they can get to Me in whatever manner they so choose because they will arrogantly proclaim that “all paths lead to God.” Yet, they fail to realize that I do not accept all paths. The way that is found acceptable is the way of My Spirit whereby men, women, and children are redeemed from the penalty of their sins, and that way is Jesus.

Because of the fact that Jesus came in obedience and completed His course in obedience, I have given to Him a name that is above every name, and My people are intended to be aware of the power that is in His name. The reason that I want My people aware of His power is because they are meant to use His name in the warfare that they will find as they obey His command to “go into all the world and preach the gospel.”

The reality is that there are always principalities and powers of wickedness that are encamped over people, tribes, and nations. When My people are preaching the gospel to the captives of wicked powers, those powers will be in cruel opposition to the truth. The reason for this opposition is that there is a continual power struggle of the deadly powers to stay in control as they are fulfilling the devil’s agenda to steal, kill, and destroy.

However, I do not send forth My messengers for them to be defeated; I send them forth to know the power and the victory that are present in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord. The more that the warfare intensifies, the more that My messengers will use the power that is in that name, for it is the one power that men cannot destroy.

I want those who are My messengers to any people, tribe, and/or nation to use the power in order to defeat the enemy forces that want to remain in their destructive power domains. I did not create people to be destroyed by darkness; I created them to be in fellowship with Me, and I send forth My messengers declaring the truth and the forgiveness mercy that Jesus provides freely to all who will repent and believe upon Him as My only begotten Son. Therefore, be thankful that you have been given that name and that you can use that name every single day in order to see the captives set free from the death throes of sin.

When the powers of darkness are in rule, people are covered in death, destruction, and damnation. They are literally prisoners in captivity to wicked spirits that want them to be devastated, destroyed, dead, and damned. This is why it is so important that those who are the warriors for righteousness go forth fully equipped and using the spiritual weaponry that is given to them to use.

When those who are My warriors are continuing in righteousness as their way of life, they are fully endued with the power that is in the name of Jesus, because I have given to them that power. Do not hesitate to be using that name at all times when you are faced with demonic opposition.

There are countless demonic strategies used against believers to weaken them and cause them to turn away from Me. The enemies are cruel and full of devices of evil that they will use to devastate the faith of those who are foolish enough to listen to them in their continual ranting and rampaging against Me.

I do not want My people to be found in fellowship with them in their verbal death sprees. I want My people using the power in the name of Jesus to bind such demons and render them helpless and useless. I do not want My people to be under sickness and disease continually because their bodies have become a nesting place for the powers of evil. I want My people to be lifted up and enabled to use the power that is in the name of Jesus against such forces, that they are not drugged down under the waves of wickedness and made sick and dying by the same.

The reality is that to truly follow in the steps of Jesus is to be a warrior for righteousness and to not turn tail and run when the going gets tough. Rather, it is to continue steadfast and keep on in the way that is the pathway of life, love, and light, and see the victory in every situation and circumstance. Believe the truth and you receive the truth. Trust in Me and you are kept. Use the weapons of your warfare in the spiritual dimension and you will receive the victory that I intend for you to experience in this life on earth.

I want you to come forth in the way that Jesus pioneered and in obedience, as He was in obedience, for that is the way where the life eternal is found. Be aware that while it may seem as though you are defeated, do not give in to such discouragement as the enemy would offer to you. Rather, refuse the cup of death and drink of the cup of life, for that is My provision to you.

Be thankful that you can be serving each day in the humility of the attitude of gratitude and not ashamed to declare the gospel in power and anointing. It is Me the Living God who will be with you, and you will be led by the mind of My Spirit in the way that Jesus walked: obedience and victory.