Proud Fools Hate Humility

I speak unto you this day and I say that when peoples, tribes, and nations grow proud and arrogant, they will despise humility and they will scoff the days of small beginnings. This is because they have become intoxicated on the drunkenness of pride and are vainly puffed up, believing that they can do no wrong. However, the ones who are adhering to Me will know and understand that there is none who is invincible and that all of humankind are needy of godly, divine wisdom that I do give for people to live by.

There are many in these times who have taken up a love affair with technology, and the advances that are being made in the same are their reason for being. Little do they realize that they are putting their trust in the crafty inventions that are meant to take control of them and direct their lives, as they have failed to keep confidence in Me.

Stop and consider that no living human is created by any kind of machine, for it is Me the Living God who has created humanity, and it is Me who wants them in the way of life. Those who keep their confidence in Me will know and understand that so much of the trauma and the drama that men bring about is simply their efforts to be in control. When people are under the mind of My Spirit, they are able to discern between good and evil, and they will not take their refuge in those things that will prove to be futile.

If you take a look around, multitudes have put their confidence in the world and are seeking for their refuge in the world, yet they will not find the safety and security they seek. This is because it is My intention that people would look to Me when they find themselves unable to cope with the unreasonable pressures that are pressing them down.

Sad to say, when such conditions arise, far too many do not humble themselves and cry out to Me, because they see the same as repulsive because they are hating humility. Yet, they do not realize that to be able to walk in humility will keep them in My mercies and acquaint them with the goodness that I intend for them to partake of each and every day.

Therefore, be knowing that in your lives you will see many tragedies and calamities come about because people have stopped trusting in Me as their Maker and their Keeper. This lack of confidence in Me will take them into the broad way, where they will be given many diversions and perversions to experiment with, then die by the same. The experimentation with those things that are abomination will cause multitudes to die prematurely and find themselves in the torments and agonies of the damned as they end in hell.

I do not want people to end in hell. Yet, because they are headstrong in their obsession with the wine of worldliness and have built their houses on shifting sands, all that they build shall end in heaps of ruination and devastation. The advice that is wise and will provide strength and safety is rejected, as multitudes will choose according to death rather than life.

I did not create people for them to self-destruct and be remembered no more. Yet, there are many such civilizations that are buried under the shifting sands of the earth, who were once considered invincible and unable to be brought down.

I do not want you to be found in the heaps of ruination that are brought about by inward wars and disputes that are the consequence of pride and disrespect for sound counsel and wisdom. What people will do to each other in the rage of offended pride is disgusting, and I find no pleasure in such open displays of demonic rage and carnage. If you look at how easily people are triggered to angry violence and blind rage, it is indeed a sad and miserable state of affairs.

Keep this in mind, you are not the citizens of earthly nations; you are the citizens of My holy kingdom, and it is Me that you are meant to please in all that you do. Reality is that when you are born of the incorruptible seed that is given, then you will humble yourselves to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

I do not want My people who have been born of holy seed to be deceived by demons and come under the crazy coverings of the world. It is obvious that when the wicked are in rule as they are currently, confusion and delusion are the two-headed entity of alienation from Me.

You are living in times when demonic creatures of many shapes and sizes are roaming the land to carry out the agenda of death. It is only in Me that there is lasting safety and security. Do not look to the world as your refuge. Rather look to Me in the confidence and trust that I want you to live in, because I am the high tower that you can find your safety in.

While multitudes are buying up guns, insurance policies, survival kits, and food supplies, they are failing to realize that they need to be praying and seeking their counsel of Me through My Holy Spirit. So many foolish people will fall for every gimmick of fear that comes along and imagine that the same will be all that they ever need to survive in the misery of their lives. However, those who keep their confidence and their trust in Me will not be ashamed, for they will be led forth by the Spirit and directed in the way that I intend for them to walk in.

Consider that My Son Jesus came down to earth in the form of a babe and had to be dependent on people to care for Him in His helpless state. Likewise, when He entered into the mission I had sent Him to do, He was in the midst of proud, humility-hating, murderous fools. Yet, He walked humbly in Me.