I Am Your Deliverer

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who is the One who deliverers My people. In the days of ancient Israel, they found themselves oftentimes without the resource to withstand the hatred of their overpowering enemies. They cried out to Me, and I delivered them. I am the same God and I take pleasure when My people realize that I am the One that they can call upon in their neediness and I will hear them.

Realize that I am not a dead god as are the gods of the wicked. Rather, I am the God who is full of abundance of life, and I give My mercies to the ones who are not ashamed to cry out to Me and trust Me as the One they look to. When people are calling out and crying to their idols, they are crying to the wind, for idols, no matter what they are, cannot save them.

Be thankful for the many times I have delivered you from the hands of proud and cruel enemies and brought you forth rejoicing. I have never intended that you would be swallowed up in the waves from the sea of iniquity that are as a tsunami sweeping over the land and its inhabitants. It is My intention that My people would remain standing, for it is Me who is their high tower, and they can run into Me and be kept.

I do not leave My people unprepared. Rather, I give to them all that they need in order to remain in the way that I have for them. In these times of darkness, I am the One who provides the light for all who will call out to Me. There is no need to live in the uncertainty, the insecurity, the vanity, the perversity, and the insanity that the masses are in captivity to. It is My intention that those who want My way would be a sign to this wicked generation and nation that I the Living God am the deliverer of My people and that I Am the Almighty.

It is absurd how many leaders there are who give way to pride and greed and are unable to rule justly because they are swayed by their own lusts, which are motivated by demons. The more that they yield to those lusts, the more they come under the power of demons and are unable to escape the same.

I do not want My people to believe that they must remain patriotic to earthly nations when they are the citizens of My kingdom, nor do I require that My people would be under those demonized leaders and by the same become ruled by demons. My people are made free as they believe in Jesus Christ, for He sets them free, and they are meant to remain free.

There have been many who have started out to follow Me, but are then lured aside by various doctrines that cause them to give in to an evil heart of unbelief, and they lose their hope and confidence in Me as the One they love. I do not want them to end in such treachery and terror as are common in these times, and again bound in the captivity of darkness.

These things in mind, remember that it is Me the Living God who has proven to be the source, the strength, and the hope to all who look to Me and know Me as the One they love, trust, and hope in. When you continue to give your lives over to Me, I will use them for My purposes, and you will live on. If you try to take your lives back and think you can be your own protector and provider, you lose the life you are meant to have in Me.

I expect My people to keep looking to Me as their source and not be enchanted and enticed away from Me, ending in captivity to the powers of darkness. Rejoice even this day that you do not need to be found in the traps, snares, and entanglements that the enemy forces desire to see you in. Rather, you can be found uplifted, rejoicing, and giving praise to Me, for I am the One who is your source and your safety.

There are ways that seem right to men, yet those ways are filled with evil, and because they are blinded and driven by demons, they follow their own understanding rather than My Spirit. I do not want you to be among such ones, for they are not pleasing to Me. Rather, they are troublesome and disturbing, and I find no pleasure in them. The ones who are pleasing are the ones who will listen to and hear the commands and directives of My Spirit and be delivered time and again from the wrath of the wicked.

When I made man and woman, My intentions towards them were good, and they were well provided for. However, when Eve gave ear to the enticing and enchanting words of the liar, she was deceived and partook of the forbidden, then encouraged her husband to join in her transgression. So, both were banished from the Garden because of their choices for deception.

The same devil is around today with his demon forces to entice those who will listen to partake of the forbidden and suffer the consequence of lies. I do not want you to listen to the devil and his demons; I want you to be submitted to Me and listen to the voice of My Spirit and obey the Spirit’s commands. Remember the devil has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning, and his efforts are multiplied through his demonic forces of darkness.

This is not the time for you to be found enticed, enchanted, entangled, and entrenched in the lies of the liar. This is the time for you to remain in the truth and be serving Me in the attitude of gratitude because I am the One who remains your deliverer. Be glad that you are not covered in lies and living in the deceptions that are sweeping across the world at this time.