Glory Restored

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who desires for My people to see My glory restored in their midst. If My people are in cooperation with the commands of My Spirit and will work accordingly, they will be able to see My glory restored and multiplied. I the Living God do not leave My people desolate. Rather, I regather them and I cause them to rejoice with the joy that I have intended for them.

When the days of sorrow have passed and My people look only to Me as their source, they will see Me provide for them and My glory revealed in greater measures than they have experienced. I see the ones who have kept themselves from the coverings of the world and are walking in My standards of moral integrity. Such ones as these will be encouraged and shown that it is Me the Living God who has seen their integrity and who rewards them for their faithfulness.

In these times when the wicked are in rule, many of those who were meant to remain true to Me have not been steadfast in their vows and commitments to Me. They have deviated and turned to the ways of worldliness, and their hearts are weak because of their spiritual adultery and their violation of My intentions and purposes for their lives. Of course, because of their double mindedness, they are the ones who are suffering from the confusion and delusion that they live in.

When I the Living God do send forth My Spirit calling for My people to be returned to Me, it is meant for them to humble themselves, to adhere to Me, and to come forth in My way. Over and over, I see the traps and snares that those who are not attentive to My Spirit fall into because they allow themselves to be influenced by the world rather than Me. Know that once they have undergone the world’s ways, they will either choose for the world or for Me.

Those who choose Me shall be enabled by their choices for righteousness rather than worldliness to experience the glory restored. Those who will be partakers of the restoration revolution will be amazed at the glory revealed in their midst. This is because I am the God of mercy, and when a people will put their hands to work and their hearts to Me, there is no good thing that is withheld from them. Even now, there are those who are inwardly groaning to be free of the rudiments of the world and to be ever in My presence and to partake once again of My goodness.

Know that it is intended that those who are in right standing with Me will be shown that My mercies are infinite and that there is no end to giving praise to Me, for the way I give to them is perfect because it comes of Me. Be glad even this day that you are not meant to be swallowed up by the distresses that assail the heathen, but you can come forth in the goodness and the glory that I give to My people who want My rule over them.

I do not leave those who have been scattered, tattered, and torn to mourn forever if it is Me that they desire. Those who want Me will be regathered into My fold, and the glory revealed and restored will be greater than before. When My people will go through the fire and remain faithful, then I reward them, and they shall know Me in deeper ways and greater dimensions.

There is no reason for My people to be mourning; there is every reason for My people to be rejoicing. This is not the time for those who love Me to go on and on in sorrow and dread to see tomorrow. This is My time to regather and restore to My true believers more than the enemies stole from them.

In these times, those enemies who have attempted to utterly destroy My people will see that they are no longer able to crush those who are Mine. I will turn My wrath, fury and indignation against them. When this happens, even the earth will respond and seek to cleanse herself of the filthiness that has been poured forth upon her.

Therefore do not be wearied in well doing, but continue as a steadfast people who remain in faith and are resisting the fear that wants to devour and destroy. The more that My people will yield to the Holy Spirit’s commands and work accordingly, the more that they will be enabled to perceive how much I have for them to receive. Those who are willing to keep their vision on Me and not their circumstances will see beyond any doubt that it is Me who is indeed well able and there is no good thing withheld from them.

Be thankful this day that you are living in times when you will see My glory revealed and My righteousness restored. Do not withhold yourselves from My call; rather give your all for Me and My kingdom, and you will be receiving the way that is glorious in this life and in the life hereafter.

This is My time, and the enemies will be brought down and left in the shambles they so justly deserve. Be knowing that what they have done against My people will be returned to them multiplied, and My people shall be living in Me as is My intention.

Just because you have undergone suffering, do not remain in that place, for I am the God who is calling for restoration revolution, and in the revolution, you will see that I bring down the wicked. Likewise, I restore to those who remain true the glories that are unlimited and poured forth on a people who are praising Me!