On the Brink

I speak unto you this day and I say that there are endless multitudes who are on the brink of destruction because they have followed after folly and lived their lives as fools. This is easy, for the devil and his demons are ever enticing and enchanting those who are opening the door to them and listening to their conniving and convincing delusions and deceptions. However, the reality of the devil’s deceptions is one that ends people on the brink of their own devastation, destruction, and damnation.

Know of a surety that it is not My intention that people are destroyed, for it is My desire that people would come to Me through My Son Jesus and follow the instructions and commands of the Holy Spirit. Sad to say, the majority of people in these times are content to follow the mainstream that takes them to the brink of their own death.

Too many are reacting as fools, following the instructions of demons, and are taken in death prematurely because, when they reached the brink, they refused to cry out to Me. Therefore they were washed away by the flood waters of filth that are rushing madly in these times when the wicked are in rule. Consequently, because of the rebellion that had grabbed these multitudes, they are in the fires of hell, unable to free themselves from the very flames that burn them continually.

It is indeed tragic that people do not consider tomorrow. Rather, they are content to live only for their carnality and believe in the same that they are doing the “right thing.” They are not doing the right thing; they are doing the wrong thing, because they are choosing in opposition to Me, and by their own demonically influenced decisions, they are damned.

I do not want people to be damned; they are the ones who are choosing such a destiny, and in the same they will face hell forever. When I created people, I did not create them to be devoured by demons and end up in the place of damnation. I did create people with the will to choose, and because of that, many are choosing to be losing, because they do not want to walk in My way but prefer to be walking in accordance with their own desires. However, the reality is they are deceived, because they want to be doing what they want rather than what I want. So, as a consequence of their desire to be independent of Me, they are devoured by the demonic powers and end in damnation, where they exist in torment.

What people are failing to realize is that they do not live independent of something or someone ruling over them. While some people will escape to their off-the-grid hideaways, they are still ruled by either good or bad forces.

Those who are choosing for Me are choosing to have goodness and mercy in their lives and to be covered by the presence of My Holy Spirit and directed in the way that I have intended for them to live. Likewise, those who are choosing in opposition to Me will live their lives on the brink of their own destruction because they will be ruled by evil spirits whose agenda is demonic: kill, steal, and destroy.

So, the choices that are made by people are in their own hearts and hands. I do not send people to hell. They choose such a final abode because their hearts and hands are set to do evil rather than good. Such choices as they are making will cause them many sorrows, and devastation will bring them ruination, and in the end, there will be no goodness for them. These ones will be found in the continual agonies of the damned, and no matter how much they scream and rant and curse Me, there will be no mercy extended to them.

This is why it is so important for people to make their choices for Me every day and not wait till they are on the brink of destruction before they even think about Me. I provide for people the way that is safety and sanity. When they will walk willingly in My way, they will know My peace in their lives and will grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

When you stop and consider the consequences of wrong choices, they are long and painful, and the bitterness of drinking the waters of the sea of iniquity are persistent in their odious and poisonous belches. I do not want My people to undergo the continual wretchedness that is the cup of the wicked. Rather, I want My people to be persistent in walking under the control of My Holy Spirit.

Anyone with eyes to see and a heart for Me will quickly perceive that these are times when many of the nations, as well as vast multitudes of people, are tottering on the brink of destruction. When such is the state of affairs, do not hesitate to warn and warn again, that those who will repent will hear the call to repent and do so with gladness. Those who hear the call and refuse will receive sorrow and sadness because they are so dumb as to listen to demonic spirits rather than My Spirit.

When the reality of what lies ahead becomes evident by the hideous deeds that people are committing every day, it is My desire that those who are My messengers would be on fire for Me and persistent in warning those who are on the brink. Be thankful this day that you are not on the brink of death and damnation, because you have chosen for salvation and the same will prove to be life everlasting as you stay faithful to Me.

Each day, let My life be your covering and My mercy your strength, for when it is Me that you serve, you will not be disappointed nor discouraged. In fact, you will be full of My light, love and life, and able to encourage others to choose My way.