Faithful or Faithless

I speak unto you this day and I say that I do not call you to be living in the realms of unbelief, nor to be as those who have lost their faith in Me and have become faithless. Those who do not keep their faith in Me will grow accusatory, envious of the wicked, and bitter of heart. They will not continue to love Me as they should. Rather, they will abandon their life in Me to take up the ways of the world. Then they will declare that it is too hard to serve Me and that they find more satisfaction in the world. However, such ones as these are essentially fools, for they are choosing following the counsel of demons rather than paying heed to My Holy Spirit.

Stop and consider: Every person who believes upon Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord is given a measure of faith. By keeping their confidence in Me, they are strengthened and given My light, My love, and My life in the incorruptible way that I provide for them. The measure of faith that they have been given is increased as they will follow the directives of My Spirit and allow the faith they have to be exercised and made strong.

I do not want My people to be of little faith; I want them to be strong in their faith and confidence in Me so that they can continue steadfastly to believe and receive of Me as the One they obey. The life of faithfulness to Me is the way that causes people to develop and not remain in the corruption of carnality.

If you consider that the end of carnality is corruption and destruction, why should those who are Mine walk afar off from Me and be devoured and destroyed by demons? As faith is the way that the ones who are born again are meant to walk in, let yourselves be totally released to faith and know the abundance that comes to you.

Do not be easily swayed to follow the folly, the stupidity, the darkness of those who are in the classification of the damned. Rather maintain the walk of the faithful, whereby you are adhering to Me through the obedient lifestyle that comes when you are faithful to listen to Holy Spirit commands and obey.

I do not want My people to give up in the days of adversity, perversity, and insanity as are now when the wicked are in rule. Rather, I want My people to know and realize that they are meant to come into Me and partake of the mercy I provide and be enriched and increased in their faith in Me.

I do not find pleasure in those who are claiming to be My people, yet their hearts are far from Me, and they are choosing by the same to be losing out with Me. I want those who are Mine to realize how important it is that they keep their faith, their confidence, their hope ever in Me as the One who keeps them.

Be glad that you can use these times when the darkness is all about to claim My promises and see the light come forth once again. You are not meant to be as the faithless, who are full of fearfulness and have fallen into the snares of the devil. Rather, know that you are meant to come up higher and higher in Me by declaring the truth that I give to you and not be ashamed of the truth, for it is the truth that will set men, women, and children free.

When any people, tribe, or nation has lost faith in Me and given up to the rule of the liar and his lying demons, there are many who grow so accustomed to the lies that they do not want the truth. Then they take on the demonic hatred for the truth and love the chains of their captivity to the various devices of sin that they indulge in.

Do not choose to keep company with those who are bitter against Me and My righteousness. Rather rebuke them in their folly and move on, which means essentially that you are not meant to waste My time given to you on those who want to believe in the liar and despise My way because they love the evil they are doing.

Look to see those who are yearning for righteousness and the change that I want for them so they can be full of faith and trust in Me and come forth as new people, living in the light of My kingdom. When any people are born again of incorruptible seed, they are meant to nurture that seed, seeing that the precious seed is treasure and most valuable.

While the multitudes are looking to gain the world’s riches, they are losing out with Me and going in the way that is darkness, death, and damnation. Do not be dumb as they have become, for they are looking only to what benefits them and not to what benefits My kingdom plans and purposes. You as united and true believers are not meant to run after the stupidity and folly of fools, but to stand for truth and declare the truth without shame or regret.

The ones who will remain faithful to Me are the ones who will know and understand that I am who I say that I am, and I will not cause My people to fall into divers sins and lusts. I will call, and I do, those who are Mine to live wholly for Me and to keep their vision on Me as the One who is all righteousness, holiness, and the truth given forth. When you are focused on Me, you will not be made ashamed, nor will you be faithless, hopeless, and by the same become helpless.

As the ones who are Mine, look to increase in faith and confidence in Me, for I do not keep back from you any good thing that you have need of to continue steadfast in My way. The more that you are faithful, the more that you will reap in My timing the bountiful harvest that is present.

Do not believe in the lies of demons and be devoured. Rather rebuke, refute, and refuse to be entangled in their webs of deceit. Give Me thanks and praise this day that you can see how endless My mercies are to those who come out of misery and remain true to the call to “Come, follow!”