Fat Heart, Empty Spirit

I speak unto you this day and I say: I do not want My people to be as those who were My people of old, whose hearts were fat as they were full of their own understanding and their own ways. Their spirits were empty because they would not follow Me and do as My true prophets commanded them. Rather, they preferred to believe in themselves instead of Me, and the consequences of their choices against Me were not good, for I allowed much harm to come to them because of their unbelief.

Those who are claiming to be Mine are not meant to have fat hearts and empty spirits; they are meant to keep their focus, their vision clearly upon Me and obey the commands of My Spirit as they are living daily in Me. I do not want those who are claiming to be Mine to set up in rote religion, putting on an outward display while their hearts are far from Me. I do not want to see My people under the rule of oppressors because they have grown so far from Me that they are unable to humble themselves and cry out to Me in these times of the wicked in rule. It is My intention that My people would know the continuance of My mercies in their lives as they are willing to live behind the wall of protection that I want around them.

There are many who are protesting the physical separation manifested in a real way by a wall that is hated, yet, without the wall, the invasion continues. The invaders who are invited into the nation by the evil powers are for the most part coming in to ruin nations that are better than those they came from. Yet, they do not realize that once they are moved, there is not necessarily anything good awaiting them under evil government, as is in rule at this time.

What they do not realize is that the evil will use these invited illegal invaders, then dispose of them through death when they have gained their purposes by and through them. They do not have love nor concern for them; they are simply manipulating them for their own goals and desires to be achieved, then the wicked will dispose of them.

While the invitation seems to be legitimate, it is not, and the intentions behind it are cruel and oppressive. Stop and consider that when those who are claiming to be Mine have fat hearts and empty spirits, they will not stand against the plots of the wicked. No, they will be so full of the world that their hearts do not want righteousness, for they are fat and full of worldliness and have no room for righteousness. Because they have indulged themselves in the world’s ways, they are no longer able to discern between good and evil, for they are full of darkness themselves.

It is a sad day when I see My people taken into captivity because they have refused to listen to My Spirit and obey the Spirit commands. Be aware that these are times when My true people are seeing how far the nations have departed from Me and they are crying out in repentance over those sins. Know that I hear such ones, but at this point they are not the majority. However, I will spare the ones whose hearts are not fat on the things of the world and who are still open enough to be directed by My Holy Spirit.

These are times when countless people, tribes, and nations are being ruled by demon spirits and they love it so because they do not want to cease from their dark and evil practices. They have allowed themselves to be invaded by demonic powers, and now those powers have control over them.

Consider that I did not create humankind for them to be servants of the devil and his demons, yet multitudes throughout the ages have chosen for darkness instead of My light. By their own choices, they ended in devastation, ruination, and damnation. Many people, tribes, and nations have been utterly destroyed, because they are the ones who wanted to do evil and they stubbornly pursued such practices.

Remember it is Me the Living God who raises nations up and brings nations down by My hand, and in so doing, I am the One who prevails at all times. When any people are proud, they are defiant and unwilling to receive any correction, because they are determined that they are right and that those sent to give them the word of correction are wrong.

Be aware that any people, tribe, or nation who are blinded by pride will be led astray, for they will be controlled by demons rather than My Spirit. These are times of trouble, turmoil, and terror for the multitudes who are led by insane and profane leaders who have no love nor respect for Me or the people they lead. Their concerns are entirely selfish, and they only use people to gain what they want rather than care at all for such people.

Therefore, do not be yielding yourselves over so easily to the agenda of the wicked and believing that they know something, when they know nothing except the way of their own understanding. I do not want you to be involved with such fools, for they are not of Me, and I do not want you to be under their jurisdiction and commands; I want you to be under My power and kept in My way at all times.

Do not hesitate to actively alert others when My Spirit directs you to give them correction. If they hear, they will repent and receive My mercy. If they do not repent, they will receive the misery that will be the consequence of their choices against Me.

When you see them in misery, do not pity them. Remember they chose the cup they are drinking. Thank Me that you do not need to be found among the fat hearts, but rather you can be humble of heart and able to repent and be spared.