Enfeebled or Enabled?

I speak unto you this day and I say: I do not want you to be anxious for everything, because by such anxiety you bring on fear, which is a total enfeebling spirit that leaves its victims totally weakened and depleted. I do not want My people to be enfeebled; I want them to be enabled by My power, for it is Me the Living God who is well able to make them strong.

In these times when you see fools in their folly running wild as though there is no tomorrow, know that it is Me the Living God who will give to them the cup of sorrow because of their choices against Me. Whenever you see those who are headstrong and proud, know that the very demons that are empowering them will in the end be the same spirits that will enfeeble them.

There is no way that people get by forever on Me, for they will either serve Me, or they will serve the fantasy of their imaginations and the same will cause them many troubles because of the demons who rule them.

When you see those who have lied their way to power and believe themselves to be invincible, why is it so? It is because they are choosing to oppose Me and go under the way of the devil and his demons. However, they do not foresee that I the Living God am all powerful and I can and will bring them down to ruination in the profanity and insanity they have chosen.

Be aware that there are endless fools who are in hell, and there are others who are adding to their ranks daily, because they were taken to death and damnation by their folly. How senseless people become when they are consumed of pride and esteeming themselves to be something that they are not. They go on and on in the endless cycle of stupidity. Being blinded and tripped up by their own pride, they are worshiping themselves, and by such are made dumb and only grow dumber.

Currently, there is the obvious being made even more so by leaders who are mumbling, stumbling, incoherent and angry, or laughing and empty-headed because of their proud choices to believe in themselves rather than Me. It is absolute foolishness when you see the demise and decay that is evidencing itself in these times by leaders who have chosen the damned way. They could have chosen My way; however, they were too good and too great in their own opinions of themselves to humble themselves to Me.

In the end, every man, woman, and child is humbled by death, and those who end in hell for eternity will find themselves absolutely enfeebled and powerless because they chose to go in the way of misery rather than mercy. I am the Living God who is ever present through My Holy Spirit, giving the call of mercy to any and all who will hear and obey. I desire to see men, women, and children redeemed and given the way of mercy instead of misery.

However, it is obvious that people are the ones who must be choosing each day how they will live that day. Those who are choosing for Me will be enabled and brought forth. Those who are dumbly following demons will be enfeebled by their choices and find themselves bound in chains of darkness and death.

Why do people choose for darkness and death when they could choose for life and be enabled to serve Me? It is because they are believing the demonic spirits that have taken them into bondage and captivity. They want to remain in darkness because their deeds are evil and they love lies above the truth.

Even this day, you will be challenged with choices for either My mercy or the misery that is offered by the liar and his lying demons. The devil does not enchant and entice people into his way by telling them the truth. No, he is continually lying and painting a delusional panorama whereby people will be made rich, famous, glamorous, handsome, fantastic and all-powerful.

However, those who are dumb enough to fall for his lies will find themselves encased in the captivity that is the consequence of choosing for the broad way. Those who are enchanted and enticed into the broad way will find that they only add sin unto sin as they are led into greater degrees of captivity and slavery to the very demonic entities that control them.

There are multitudes in these times who have taken on the covering of fools and are involved in endless realms of folly, and all the while they are imagining that they get by. They do not get by; they only increase in their stupidity, and in the same face the insanity of their choices.

I do not intend for people to go in such a way of destruction that ends them in damnation. They by their own wills choose such, because they love to do evil and they believe that they get by with their deeds of wickedness and there is no way that they will have to pay. By their self-chosen determination to commit abomination, they become lawless and abandoned to the demonic entities that have enticed and enchanted them into the web of deception.

This dumbness increases the more that any people submit to the powers of darkness and choose for the same. When they allow themselves to be enticed and enchanted, they will be convinced that the devil and his demons are the way to go. They are right in the sense that if their goal is to end in hell, the devil and his demons are the exact guides they need. However, if they are believing there is no hereafter, they will find themselves rudely awakened in hell. There, they cannot escape the consequence of their choices.

Nations have chosen such and been utterly destroyed. Do not choose for abomination; choose Me and be enabled to be in My blessed nation.