Turn or Burn

I speak unto you this day and I say that I have repeatedly given warning after warning to people to turn from wickedness, or they will burn in the fires of hell forever. Yet, because people are full of pride and stubbornness, they refuse to pay heed, and, driven by greed for their lusts, they ignore the warnings I send to them by and through My prophets. Nonetheless, I do not cease warning each generation that arises, because no matter how many there are who reject, refuse, and rebel against Me, I still send forth messengers to call people to repentance.

If you consider that hell is forever enlarging herself to accommodate the souls who are imprisoned in hell’s prison, it is by far the largest, most expanding prison ever. This is because people are quick to gravitate to lies, while they are ignoring the call that I give to them to repent of their sinful ways before they die and are hurled into hell.

Be knowing of a surety that those who are eager to believe the liar and his demons will be devoured, destroyed, then cast down headlong into hell because of their own choices. I never created humankind to be destroyed; I created them to be in harmony with Me as the One who is their Creator and the One who desires them to be saved.

Do not be in friendship with those who are full of stubbornness and pride, for they are estranged from My purposes for them and are involved in endless sins, transgressions, and abominations. The truth is that when My people take up close association with the sinners, if they do not keep up the wall of separation, they will find themselves compromising their standard in Me.

I do not want My people to become like the world because they are in the world by necessity. Rather, they are to be lights unto the world. Inasmuch as I am fully aware of the darkness that is everywhere, I do not want the ones who are Mine to become darkened likewise. I intend that they would be bright and shining lights in the midst of the darkness so that people would be gravitated to the light and want to be freed of their sins.

The more that My people maintain their integrity in Me, the brighter My light will shine forth out of them, and they will be the purposed reflection of My purposes and intentions for their lives. I do not intend for My people to be compromising with the world in order to be accepted by the world. It is not intended that My people would be accepted and approved of the world, for those who are have lost their integrity with Me.

Stop and consider that I do not want My people to return to the darkness of their former lifestyles once they have found the treasures that I give to them. Those who are eager to accept the acceptance of the world are literally casting off My covering of holiness to take up the coverings of filthiness.

Therefore, do not take in the world’s reports of what you are meant to do, for the world is full of lies and liars. Those who have established friendship with the world have literally taken up estrangement from Me because they are desirous of death rather than the life that I would have given unto them.

This comes as no surprise to Me, for I am well aware that not all who claim to be Mine are really faithful and true to Me. In fact, multitudes of them have chosen in opposition to Me and are using My name in pretension. What pleasure do I find in those who are pretenders and hypocrites? I find no pleasure in them, and they too must hear the call to “turn or burn” and obey the call to repentance, or they will likewise perish.

When I delivered My people out of Egypt, I did so in order to establish them as My people and to show plainly to them that I was (and still remain) the God of miracles and mercies. However, despite My good intentions for them and the obvious demonstrations of My infinite mercies and astounding miracles, many of them perished because they rebelled.

They were proud and angry against Moses, My chosen deliverer for them out of the slavery they were under in Egypt. However, these ones who died in their rebellions were destroyed by their own thoughts, words, and continual murmurings against the way that I was providing for them. Then, as they went onward in such ways, it was necessary that I destroy them instantly because their rebellion was infectious. Their continual murmurings were causing others to be likewise destroyed and devoured.

Know of a surety that their willful rebellion against Me was the cause of their destruction. Their premature death ended them in the place of damnation, and they were examples of what rebellion and rejection of My miracles and mercies did for them.

Therefore be aware that when I send forth My prophets calling for people to either turn or burn, the call is for life or death. I do not want people to be as those who perished in the days of Moses by their willful hatred and rebellion against Me. It is My desire that men, women, and children in each generation would repent and come unto My way. Even when the world is being governed by fools and insane idiots are showing how dumb they are, I still am making the way for those who desire to be redeemed.

Those who hear and obey the call to “turn or burn” and repent will be given the new life that is being offered through Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Be showing respect and obedience to Me as your Father and to Jesus as the Savior, and be quick to honor the Holy Spirit’s orders given to you. Remember you are called by Me to shine forth My light to the slaves of sin.