Burning with Fire

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who longs to see those who are burning with divine fire desire for My kingdom and are warriors for righteousness. When people are aflame for My kingdom, then they are able to accomplish much for the purposes that I have intended, and they are not allowing themselves to be “put out.” Rather, they are incendiary inciters who are encouraging and inspiring others to the realms of glory fire I desire to see in My people.

I do not want those who are claiming to be Mine to be lukewarm and not on fire for Me. Those who have compromised to the extent that they are full of darkness are the comfort-loving do-nothings, which means essentially that they are lukewarm, because they have abandoned themselves to creature comforts and have forgotten about Me and the furtherance of My kingdom.

Know of a surety that I am not at all pleased in such ones as these, for they are useless to Me as they are like wet wood, refusing to burn. When I the Living God sent My prophets in the days of old, they did not come with sweet sugary words of reassurance, promising people great blessings while the people were living in sins and separation from Me. No, those who were and are true prophets are going to be burning with fire, setting others ablaze with love and desire for Me.

It has been and still is My intention that the ones who will claim to love Me will not be ashamed to declare Me and promote the righteousness that restores men and women to My kingdom and the way that is eternal life. I do not want people to perish, and for this reason, I look for those disciples of My Son’s example and teachings who will be burning with fire for My kingdom.

Look at the condition of the world. How many are burning with lusts of all kinds and by the same attempting to incite others into the same destructive fires that will end them in damnation and hell. The flames of hell are greedily burning the human souls that are being daily cast into hell forever. The everlasting fires of hell are there for all who are dumb and stupid enough to listen to the incendiary idiots who want to entice and entangle them in the revolution against righteousness.

Do not be caught up in the world’s ways, for they will cause you to be set on fire with lust, and the same lust will take you down into degradation. At this time, there are endless leaders—locally, nationally, and globally—who are burning with lust, and they are possessed of demons in their lust for more. They are continually craving and wanting the very things that will cause them to lose their souls and end up damned.

Know that I do not want them to be such fools, yet they are the ones who have sold their souls to the devil and are possessed of demons. Those who are given vision in the spirit dimensions can see the darkness and dementia that covers those who are greedy for whatever lusts they are driven by. The demon beings that have taken control of them will use them for purposes that bring debauchery, defilement, decay, devastation, depression, despair, and damnation.

In the end of their lives, these fools who had such proud opinions of themselves will end up as those who are quite obviously insane, unable to control their thoughts or actions. This is because they, by their own choices, bit the bait of the devil and by the same were empowered by demons. In the last show of their lives, the demons that possessed them to cause them to be powerful will mock them and make them evident as the insane idiots they have become.

Anyone who is so stupid as to sell their souls to the devil is literally assuring their own future in hell. Why is it that people are so short-sighted as to choose for their own destruction and damnation? It is because they want darkness and they want to do evil, and they will not resist, refuse, or refute the invitations of demons to follow them. Instead, they go as drunkards determined they are right, when they are wrong and drunk on pride and power and wanting more, more, more.

Do not be found in friendship with such ones, for they are unclean and uncouth in their blinded lust for the very things that are killing them. I do not by any means ever want you to be found with them, for to follow their examples is to be blinded by the devil.

I give to those who are following in the steps of My Son Jesus divine directives through the Holy Spirit, and those directives will show them how much I care for them. By My love, light, and life shown to them, they will become burning with fire for My kingdom and want to see others brought into My fold.

It is not a shame nor insane to be incendiary for the kingdom that remains; it is a shame to be as those incendiary idiots who are setting people on fire with the same lusts that are destroying them. Be warned and warn others not to go in the way of fools, for the same causes premature death, damnation, and the everlasting fires of hell to be the end of fools.

Gladly declare and demonstrate by your lives that you are indeed revolutionaries who are on fire for righteousness. Refuse to bow to fear and failure. Instead, be uplifted, giving Me thanks and praise, for you are able to see the way and walk, even run in the way that is My way.

Be glad that you do not need to waste your lives in diverse lusts that take you down. Rather, you can be continually burning with the divine desire that sets you on fire each day.