Abomination, Devastation, Starvation

I speak unto you this day and I say: Do not be shocked at what is coming down in these days, for there are multitudes who will face, because of their abominations, devastation and starvation. I the Living God will not tolerate the practices of those who have refused to accept the warnings that I have sent to them through My anointed Holy Spirit messengers.

Because they are full of pride and rebellion, they think themselves to be living in the new age of freedom, whereby they can sin and sin again and do not need to stop. While they are carrying on with their drunken, drugged, debauched and degraded lives, they are only filling the cup that will be returned to them.

I do not tolerate their sins forever, and the time comes when I will bring them down, and they will drown in the filthy waters of the sea of iniquity. Therefore, in these times of wickedness abounding, remain alert, alive, and active for My kingdom, inasmuch as it is my intention that people would be spared from the impending wrath, fury, and indignation coming soon. While people may imagine that they see suffering now, they have not seen anything yet compared with what I will bring upon the wicked who refuse to repent and are smug in their pride and commit abomination without shame.

Sad to say, the debauchery and degradation that people allow themselves to be taken into is nothing but the work of demonic spirits in all of the shape-shifting identities whereby they despise and destroy morality. Those who are yielding themselves to demons are giving way to the very forces of darkness that will end them in devastation, starvation, and damnation.

You will see many who are fat, increased with goods, and imagine they have need of nothing brought down to the degree that they will be hopeless, helpless, and homeless. Those who lived in epicurean luxury, eating only the most expensive foods and refusing to give even a crust of bread to the poor, will end in destitution and be overwhelmed by what hits them.

There will arise in these times literal starvation because of the refusal and rebellion of people against My desire to help them. While they have rejected to come into My fold, they will be found begging as they will be gripped with the agonies of starvation, and the time will come when they no longer have the resources to beg from. Know that there is no power or people of power who remain forever, because they self-destruct by their abominations and abandonment of all decency and morality such as I have ordained.

When I the Living God do remove mercy and bring in misery, there will be multitudes who will beg to die because they are so full of sufferings and agonies. Yet, the same ones smugly refused My wake-up call to them and sought to harm My prophets and shut them up. If you see them now and see them in the future, you will be shocked at how much they have fallen and live in the fading memories of the days of their glory. Some will actually embrace insanity because they cannot face the end of their domains that will come upon them.

Be prepared to see many who will lose their fat and become mere skeletal beings who are weak and wobbly from hunger. I am declaring these things to you so that when they come to pass, you will know that when I the Living God have had enough of the rebels, I bring them down.

There are endless ways that people have chosen to go, and the majority are choosing the broad way, imagining themselves to be opened up to the wonders of the world. In reality, they have been opened up to endless enticements and enchantments that will end them in the agonies of the damned.

More than ever, so will I make it evident that I am sorely displeased with those of this generation who have chosen the ways of death and damnation and are loving it to be so. Therefore know of a surety that there is none who can make the claim that they are perfect, and those who are so proud as to have such declarations will find themselves exposed as fools.

It is not My intention for My people to be found among the fools who are determined for the destiny of degradation, death, and damnation. My intention for My true believers is that they would be united in standing for My kingdom and declaring the same.

Be glad even this day that you can be coming forth, knowing that there is none who is like unto Me, for I reign supreme and invincible. Be thankful that as you are adhering to My intentions, you will not give way to the devil’s inventions and go down in abomination, devastation, starvation, and damnation.

Each day, I feed those who are hungry with the Bread of Life. As they are eating, they are strengthened in My way and able to bear up in these times of tyranny, terror, and tribulation. Every person who is alive will face the choices that I have left for them to make according to their own hearts. Those who choose for darkness because their deeds are evil will of course receive the just retribution for their choices against Me. Those who choose for righteousness will receive abundance of goodness and mercy, both now and in the life to come.

The reality of retribution is one that people cannot run from, and those who receive their just rewards will be shown up for what they are. The faithful receive mercy; the evil receive misery! Be glad that while others are living in sorrows, you can face your tomorrows with joy and gladness because you are in My kingdom now and forever.