Let Bygones Be Bygones

I speak unto you this day and I say: Let those things that are past stay in the past. There is no reason to dig up the past and use the same for arguments and disputations now. I do not intend for My people to be ever bound by their past mistakes and achievements, for I have intended My people would keep on moving with Me and not be stagnated in the past.

Far too many of those who are claiming to be Mine do not keep current with Me, nor do they follow the instructions given to them by My Spirit. This is because they are not willing to let go of the past, but want to cling to the same, when in reality My Spirit desires them to move onward that they can receive the benefits and blessings that I have for them right now. The sad thing is that while people are forever reliving the past, they are failing to move onward and upward into new dimensions in Me.

I do not intend that My people would be frozen in one realm and spend their lives there, yet multitudes of those who are claiming that they love Me are not moving with My Spirit. Instead, they have settled for a form of godliness, but they are denying the power that I would provide to them if they would venture onward in the realms that I have intended for them to experience in Me.

It is My will for My people to understand the Spirit’s moving and to be involved in the same. However, because people are wanting to be in control, they prefer to have things their way instead of My way. The sad consequence is that they do not know just how limited “their way” really is, and by choosing to oppose Me, they become captivated by demons.

There is no safety nor sanity to be found except in the way that I have provided for men and women to walk in. Those who are choosing My way are wise, because they will be given divine insights and guidance rather than blindly being led about by demons of death and damnation.

Stop and consider this day how useless some people allow their lives to become inasmuch as they want to solicit pity, attention, and create trauma and act out drama over things that have passed away. In My sight, they are behaving as fools, because while they may gain attention for their tales of misery, suffering, affliction, and woe, they do not experience mercy. This is because they love to lay in the bed of self-pity and let others know just how miserable they have been made in life, yet they are not wanting any change because they are refusing to vacate the misery they love to reiterate over and over to any who will listen to their sad stories.

I do not find pleasure in such ones, for they have chosen to live in stagnation and are dull because everything they talk about centers on their lives and not on Me or My kingdom purposes. What they fail to realize is that they are wasting their time because they have allowed themselves to be taken captive by misery and self-pity, and they are loving the demon despair they live in.

If you stop and consider that men, women, and children have only one chance to live, and after they die they face the judgment, because they have done nothing to prepare for that day but have chosen to live continually in bygone times, they will appear before Me desolate and in gross poverty. This is because they sowed to their flesh and tried to entice others to join them in their continual complaints and reflections of the past, whereby they lived in miseries rather than receiving My mercies offered to them. In fact, they created their own miseries and loved to complain about the very troubles they brought forth by their words.

It has never been My intention for people to become stagnated and dull by their own choices, yet they are, because they want to believe only in the so-called sufferings they have undergone. However, they will receive no rewards for their sufferings, because they called them down on themselves not for the cause of My kingdom but for their own love of misery.

Such a condition is the choosing of fools who are too proud to humble themselves and move onward in My Spirit. Because they are proud and refuse humility, they live in their misery and grow so accustomed to their conditions that they will not let go of those miserable states of being they have chosen.

I do not keep people in misery; they are the ones who choose to remain there because of their own fears and lack of confidence in Me. Be aware that the wheel turns, and as it does, I bring down the forces that have attempted to put My people in continual sufferings, and the ones who will move with My Spirit will see their enemies crushed by the wheel.

However, the ones who have grown accustomed to misery and love it so will not move with My Spirit. The consequences of their choices are not at all good, for they are literally choosing to remain as demon-controlled slaves rather than coming out into greater light and the goodness I have for them.

When you hear such ones and all they want to do is complain, do not linger long with them. This is because to give way to continual complaints is to enter into a prison house whereby the works of demons are glorified and made the acceptable way of existence. I do not want you to join in the chronic complainers; I want you to know the liberation that is found when you are in full surrender and abandonment to the leading and commands of My Spirit.

Remember I am the God of goodness, and I will not withhold that goodness from the ones who will walk uprightly in Me. Come forth in the way I provide, receiving the blessings and mercies I give to the obedient.