The Keeper

I speak unto you this day and I say: Realize that it is Me the Living God who is the One who is the Keeper of those who will keep themselves in Me. In this life, there are many beckoning voices declaring falsely that they are the ones who can and will keep you. However, they are lying spirits. These demonic voices can come to those who are not able to discern between good and evil and literally enchant and entangle such ones in traps and snares. Then, these victims go on a “joyride” that takes them down the road to nowhere, and they end in damnation and hell forever.

I do not want My people to be swept away by these lying demonic entities that are everywhere, attempting to fulfill the agenda of death. When I give life unto My people, they are meant to walk in the way that I provide for them and not be easily swept away into the lying deceits that are found on every hand. Rather, My people are meant to keep their vision and their focus on Me as the One who will be the Keeper every day, in every way.

Quite obviously, you are living in times of terror, treason, and treachery. Liars, shape-shifting spirits, witches, warlocks, and werewolves are everywhere, even where least expected. Many of the leaders of these days are not attempting to walk in any righteousness or remembrance of Me. In fact, they are full of all manner of evil and corruption. The depths of their criminality and cruelty are being openly revealed in these times, as I the Living God am bringing their wickedness into the Light. These ones have plotted and still do plot against all who stand for Me and the righteous standard I have given to humanity in order to keep them from being destroyed.

Reality is that I have established the way and given to humanity My Son Jesus Christ as the One who has opened the door for those who believe upon Him for who He is and are repentant to be redeemed from the penalty of sin. Those who are full of the Holy Spirit and are My messengers are being sent forth in these times to call men, women, and children to repentance and restoration to Me, for I am the Keeper.

It is intended that people would listen to these warriors for righteousness and turn from the wicked and their shape-shifting maneuvers of manipulation over them. It is My purpose and desire, as I have made the way, and that way is Jesus Christ, for people to be returned to My fold, wherein there is safety and sanity.

Needless to say, these are times when those who are in rule are literally manifesting the insanity of the demonic entities that bear rule over them. Inasmuch as the majority of leaders in all areas of life have yielded to demonic pressures, there are all manner of shape-shifting spirits that have taken hold of them because of their choices for evil. When you see such happening, know that you are not meant to give yourselves to these evildoers who can do nothing for you except lead you to destruction.

I did not create man and woman in My image and likeness for them to rebel against Me. I created humankind for them to live in harmony with Me and to be kept in My perfect peace. However, because people have sought out many inventions, those inventions have caused many of them to yield to insanity, and the transgressions and abominations are commonplace now.

If you consider the absolute madness that is being made manifest in these times, why is it so? It is because the multitudes have chosen sweet deceits that turn to bitterness, and they are drinking of poison in their lust for carnal pleasures.

Consequently, these ones prostitute and sell themselves to the devil in order to be like well-kept prostitutes. Yet, they fail to realize that the devil will keep them in such a way that they become slaves to wickedness and are controlled by demons. So, for their whorish behaviors they will receive the rewards of rebels, and hell will be waiting to receive them into the habitations of the damned.

Stop and consider before you listen to the many voices calling out to come their way: Who do those voices belong to? Are such the voices of demons seeking to deceive and devour? Those who are Mine will listen to Me and they will know My voice. They will not be subject to the deceiver, nor will they be led about by demons. Instead, they will be under the mind of My Holy Spirit and receive divine directives rather than demonic directives. Those who are absolute in their resolve to serve Me will be great assets to the furtherance of My kingdom. Those who are double-minded will prove to be unstable and thereby unfit for My use.

In the natural military, some men and women are declared unfit because of conditions that they have in their bodies and their minds. So it is in My kingdom. I cannot use the double-minded, for they could easily turn on My people and seek to have them destroyed and devastated. I do not want to see those who are Mine destroyed; I want to see them under My covering, for I am indeed the Keeper.

Be thankful this day that you can make up your mind to remain faithful to Me as the One you are called and chosen to serve and obey. Do not be deceived; I am not mocked, and I will keep the Ones who want to be kept by Me. It is a joy to Me when I see those who will keep their covenants and their vows despite the pressures of enemy forces sent to devour and destroy them.

If it were not for My keeping power over My people, their enemies would have long ago devoured them. Be rejoicing this day, serving in the attitude of gratitude that I am the Keeper.