Bitter Babes: Deadly and Demonized

I speak unto you this day and I say that I the Living God am revealing openly the motives and the actions of those women who are filled with the gall of bitterness and showing just how deadly and demonized they are. While these women have thought themselves to be powers that none on earth could contend with, they all have seen that their empires have not been maintained as they imagined. Consequently, these women are full of poisonous powers and want to see others as wretched and miserable as they are. The goals of these women are totally demonic, as they want only to steal, kill, and destroy.

I do not want every woman to be in power, because, just as it is with men, some cannot handle power and they become intoxicated on their pride and have delusions about their own greatness. However, they are absolutely not great in any way whatsoever for in My sight; they are foolish women who are led astray by their own lusts and ambitions. While it is true that women have not been treated fairly in many instances, it is also true that women can and do cause much unnecessary trouble when they go astray.

Be thankful that I the Living God do give to godly women, who prove to be faithful and are not whorish in their conduct, the power of My presence in their lives, and they are receptive to the directives of the Holy Spirit. Because these particular women are respecting Me and are not stealing My glory and promoting themselves, they are able to handle the divine power that I shall put upon them. They do not see themselves as queens and empresses; rather, they see themselves as servants sent by Me for My purposes and given My powers to accomplish the tasks they are assigned.

Do not be deluded nor deceived by those women who are full of bitterness and by such are deadly and demonized. These women are not faithful to Me, nor are they faithful to their so-called friends and associates. They are out for their own gain and their own fame. Inasmuch as they are lusting continually for power, they cannot be satisfied. Yet, when they do not achieve the ranks of nobility they esteem themselves to be worthy of, they become bitterly enraged and capable of murder.

So it is in these times. When I the Living God am bringing down the wicked, know that I am likewise bringing to open shame these “bitter babes” who have vowed themselves to vengeance against all who have opposed them. Yet, they themselves will reveal just how corrupt and ugly they are by their own words and actions. Inasmuch as they are bent on destruction, so will I see them brought into open exposure, and their corruption will be plainly revealed to the world. No longer will their sinful and abominable deeds be hidden behind their facades and imitations of My true women.

I will bring them into open shame, and they will be shown up to be the power-lusting, pride-intoxicated fools that they are. Those who are falsely loyal to them will be taken down likewise if they do not open their eyes to the reality of how things really are as their queens are criminals caught in corruption.

Be knowing of a surety that I the Living God do have those whom I choose, and they are the ones that I put My anointing upon. The ones who are appointing themselves are doing so by refusing to see that they are not capable of the positions of power they so greedily covet. Their motivations are wicked and they want to punish any and all who have rejected them in their blood thirsty campaigns for power. Women of this caliber are dangerous if left to themselves and their demonically arranged agendas.

Keep these facts in mind and do not be swept up in the cunning of these clever women who are really the embodiment of evil and wickedness. They will seek to beguile, bewitch, and enchant any who is foolish enough to listen to their mad and insane rantings. Because I am the all-knowing God, I do see the motivations of every person, and while some are putting on a show of humility, they are not humble at all. The shows of false compassion they exhibit towards the poor are merely for their own gain and fame. Once they have used the poor, these are forgotten, and if they become troublesome, they will be incarcerated and easily disposed of by the bitter babes.

Realize that when anyone is full of demons, they are easily capable of murder and have no conscience about the same. It is easy for them to call down death upon people and bring them to their end because they have become unwanted and unworthy useless eaters in their sight. These women and men of the same corrupt caliber are capable of endless evils because of the bitterness that fills them day and night. These literally plot at night upon their beds as to how they can overthrow the just and cause them to be utterly devastated and destroyed by their crafty intentions and inventions of lies.

I do not want you to be fearful of these workers of wickedness, for it is Me the Living God who is exposing them in their bitterness and showing just how unjust and wicked they are. I want you to be adhering to Me and praying that I would restore righteousness and rebuild the wall of protection around My true people.

Therefore, do not sit idly by and watch the parade of fools. Rather declare My kingdom and the need for all to run into the safety and sanity of the same in these times of great shaking. Yes, it is Me the Living God who is bringing down the proud who have wallowed in their vileness and want others to die in the same. Be glad to be redeemed!