Doubt Brings Damnation

I speak unto you this day and I say: When I the Living God do give you the truth regarding My intentions, do not be flirting with and giving yourselves over to doubt. This is because when My people who I feed with the very bread of heaven choose to doubt My word, they open the door to spiritual erosion that will eat away at their faith and confidence in Me.

Be aware that because the evil are conspiring against the just does not mean that My people are meant to believe their lies. Of course, they are wanting all to believe in their great powers. However, they have not the powers they imagine themselves to have. This is because I have declared that this is My time to bring down the proud, and I am doing so. Many of those who have been on top of the world and imagined they would go on forever are finding themselves exposed in their evils and receiving just punishments.

Keeping this in mind, do not be making your confession of what the evil can do. Rather keep your confession and your trust in what I the Living God can and will do when those who are Mine keep confident in Me. If you stop and consider, it is Me the Living God who founded the earth by My Word and it is Me the Living God who holds all nations in My hands. Therefore, do not be giving way to the falsehood and lies that the devil wants you to believe. Instead, keep steadily looking unto Me and do not entertain doubt as a companion, for the same will drain you of your faith and leave you in fear.

Why should you be afraid of the boasting of the wicked who are drunk on pride and their own delusions as to their powers? It is Me the Living God who is exposing and bringing to ruination the wicked who have believed in themselves rather than Me. If you take a good long look at how many evildoers are being openly exposed in their wickedness and are crashing and being crushed by My wrath, fury, and indignation, know that I am in control.

I leave the wicked to do their deeds of destruction, then, when they have filled their cups full, they must drink the retribution of their doings. They shall never escape the cup of My wrath, fury, and indignation, for they will be forced to drink of that cup in this life and in hell forever. None of their riches will help them, and they will find their abilities to influence others completely gone.

When you see a deflated balloon, so are the wicked when I bring them down. They are devoid of the hot air of their pride and they lie in a deflated state, and people will walk on them rather than admire them. Fools they are who are choosing to be losing by going in the way of wickedness when they could be found walking uprightly in Me and obeying the Holy Spirit. They believe in the lies of the liar and his demons being given to them, because those lies satisfy their desire to be worshiped.

However, when I bring them down, they will see that their followers are not loyal to them at all, and they will be openly told on by those who claimed to be their lovers and friends. What kind of friendship exists among evildoers? Their relationships are as faulty and foolish as are their lives, for they do not choose companions who are of integrity; they choose fools like themselves.

Do you want to end up in such a position because you allow your faith to be eroded by doubt and you give way to an evil heart of unbelief? Stop and consider that you are to keep your confidence in Me and Me alone. You are not meant to look to the wicked and imagine that they are your resource. They absolutely are not. It is Me the Living God who has given to you life, and if you are claiming that you believe in Me, then show forth that belief by refuting doubt and refusing unbelief.

You are meant to be standing confident in Me as you are believing My prophecies rather than the utterances of idiots. If you hold confidently to Me, you will find that you are uplifted and able to rejoice each day, that you can and will be led forth in My Way. Therefore keep in consideration that there is no one who is like Me and that I reign supreme.

When you give way to the lies of liars and you take up doubt as a companion, then you are offending Me. Why will you choose to believe in lies above the truth? To do so is to put yourselves in the same position as did Adam and Eve in the Garden when they believed the serpent’s lies above the truth I had given them.

Do not be easily swayed and by the same lose out with Me. Know that I have great expectations, and My people are meant to be co-laborers in this great war for souls. Be thankful even this day that you do not need to believe every report that is being spewed forth in these days. Instead, you can seek your counsel of Me by coming under the mind of My Spirit and obeying rather than allowing fools to become the drunken, deluded dictators who rule you.

When you are listening to and obeying My Spirit’s commands and dictates, then you are confident in My abilities and will see what I have declared to be the truth. You are not meant to be clinging to lies and devoured by those lies; you are meant to be adhering to truth and be thankful each day that you can and will be brought forth and given the bread of heaven.

Do not think that by drinking of the delusions of the worldly you will stay sober minded and walk in righteousness. No, the cup of the world is poisonous, and those who are drinking of the same will lose out with Me by giving way to doubt, which will put them under fearful unbelief rather than the faith I intend for them.