Born to Be Blessed

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is My desire that those who are born again, that is, born of incorruptible seed, would see and understand they are born to be blessed. It is not My intention that sinners would repent only to return to the sins that held them in captivity and by such choices prove to be unworthy. It is My desire and intention that those who are born again of the incorruptible seed of My Son Jesus Christ would fulfill their birthrights and come forth as true sons and daughters.

When natural parents who are in their right minds have children, they have great hopes for those children, and they do not want to see their children locked into slavery to sin and corruption. Their hopes are that their children would be blessed in this life on earth and live long. However, there are in times like these multitudes of children who are born who are not blessed. Rather, they are cursed, because they are born to parents who are likewise cursed and cause their children to be born into lives that are full of all manner of sins and debaucheries.

Of course, because I am the God of goodness, I delight to see children born unto parents who will raise them responsibly before Me. Yet, even those children will be faced with lifestyle choices, and they are the ones who can continue to be blessed or choose to be cursed.

I do not want to see children choose against Me, yet they do because they do not adhere to the sound principles that their parents have attempted to teach them. Because they have longings for the world, they imagine that there is some better way to be found in the world. Of course, they are wrong, but because of pride, they refuse sound counsel and go a whoring after the world and the ways of wickedness that are in the broad way that will lead to destruction.

Be thankful if you have been given the instructions of righteousness, and choose to obey and follow the same. I delight in those who will hear what they are taught and obey such instructions and not yield themselves to the rebellion and resentment that covers the nations in these times. I prefer that I do not have to punish and punish the wayward, wanton, wild sons and daughters who have chosen the course of death over the way of life that I provide. So, be glad even today that you can look to Me as the One that you want to please, and receive the blessings you were born for.

Fools they are who throw away the life of goodness and mercy to take up lives of wickedness and misery. When you see those who are as the prodigals, know that they are there because of the emptiness of their own choices and that they are the ones who are living on pig food and are lost. I do not want them to be in such conditions, yet, by their pride, they have been deceived and have chosen for misery, hunger, poverty and death. This is because they bought into the devil’s lies and obeyed the voices of demons rather than listening to Me and obeying the commands of My Spirit.

It is very important for your spiritual and natural well-being that you do not listen to the liar and his lying forces. Remember it is the devil’s plot to steal, kill, and destroy. There is no reason for you to be enticed into the wretchedness and misery that are behind the fake facades he presents to invite you into his house of horrors. Instead of being easily enticed, enchanted, and encased, refuse his deceits and delusions and rebuke the demonic voices that would beckon you to death and damnation.

This day, realize that hell is full of people who turned aside, then intended to return to Me, yet did not. They died in their sins, and for the same they pay forever in the agonies and anguish of their own stupid and stubborn choices against Me.

Reality is that to flirt with sin and try out the same is to put oneself into the very hands of the wicked one and his demons. Why would any person of incorruptible seed want to throw off their inheritance of righteousness and blessedness to end in the mire and muck of sin? It is because they imagine that they are “missing something.” All that they are missing is the misery and slavery to sin and all of its deceptions.

I have given the opportunity to multitudes to be “born to be blessed.” Those who will appreciate the advantages that are found in such an inheritance and forsake fully the old lives of sin and death will be well pleasing. Those who look back are not fit nor worthy. Likewise, those who were born under curses and hear that there is a better way, a higher way, will leave the way of death and be rejoicing to be given newness of life. These are very pleasing to Me, for they are making the choices that will provide mercy to their offspring, and they will be influential to others rather than detrimental.

Give Me thanks and praise this day that you can come forth thankful for My way and knowing that I provide for you all that you have need of and that you are not left to die and be damned. Those who are blessed are not meant to live selfishly; they are meant to live in gratitude and subjectivity to the mind of My Spirit. Keeping this in mind, do not look out for your own gain and your own fame. Rather be desiring to see the furtherance of My kingdom that others can be freed from sin and returned to My house.

It is not a pleasure to Me to see people damned and never able to escape their punishment. It is a joy to Me to see people be born again and respecting and honoring Me as their Father and rejoicing that they can know the blessedness that is given to all of My children who remain true to Me.