Disasters: Warnings of Damnation

I speak unto you this day and I say that in these times, people are so blinded that they refuse to realize that when I the Living God do send disasters, I send them as warnings for people to repent of their wickedness. Yet, because of blindness brought on by their adherence to demonic commands, they are not perceiving that I send such disasters as cause them great distress and disabilities to give them warning. Over and over, I am pouring out My wrath, fury, and indignation as warnings to people all around the world to cease from their sinful ways, yet they callously continue to sin.

While the people are subject to their leaders who cover them in lies and seek to temporarily appease their sufferings from disasters, they only use such measures to gain further control over the victims of these disasters. None seems to recognize and acknowledge that My hand is turned against them in their folly, and I will require them to repent or they will face damnation.

Because the vogue of the day is godlessness, all manner of vile, filthy, corrupt and criminal behaviors are seen among the multitudes. Of course, the leaders of nations are spurring on such behaviors because they themselves are full of wickedness and debauchery. Over and over, they will actually encourage the people to sins and abominations because they themselves are full of shape-shifting demons and are demented and demon possessed. When people and leaders are led about by demons, I do not cease to punish them for their wickedness and failure to pay heed to My disasters sent to warn them of their own impending damnation that is awaiting them.

Inasmuch as pride is the covering over the leaders of cursed nations, these drunken leaders proudly encourage the people to indulgence in gross sins and abominable practices that are forbidden in My Word. On and on, they fall deeper and deeper into the abyss that awaits them in hell, and as they go down, their wickedness increases their degree of torments in hell.

When people are drunk on pride, they are satisfied to commit all manner of sins without conscience, and they see themselves as doing all right when they are not right with Me. In their intoxication, they love to wallow in abomination and live as though there is no tomorrow nor retributive justice for their injustices towards the dupes who believe in their rhetoric of death.

I do not want those who are Mine to take lightly the disasters that are sent to alert people to repent. Rather, I want My people to see that the disasters are increasing as people are decreasing in their belief and trust in Me. It is indeed a tragedy when I call for men, women, and children to come to Me and they are stubbornly resisting and refusing to obey. While they may boast and brag, all they do in reality is wear a tag in the spirit dimension that reads, “destination: damnation.”

When you have eyes to see in the spirit and you see such ones as the Spirit commands you, warn them of their impending disastrous damnation. Do not be afraid of them, but tell them the truth while there is yet time for repentance and return to Me.

Inasmuch as the hearts of people are hardened by sin as they are covered by demonically driven leaders who are definitely destined to damnation, do not count all as demonized as their leaders. Give warning when you are told to do so, and be directed by My Spirit, who knows the facades and masquerades that each person is hiding behind.

When you see the ones who are acting as though there is no tomorrow and that they can do as they please, when they please, and how they please, know that they are absolutely not pleasing Me. In fact, they are showing forth disrespect and dishonor towards Me because they are imagining that they can do what they want and get by. They do not get by, and when they are found bound in hell, it is too late for them to cry out for forgiveness of their celebrations in abominations.

Be thankful this day that you can serve in the attitude of gratitude and by such service find the mercies that are new for you every morning. As you are partaking of My mercy and goodness, be aware of how many are the victims of disasters all around the world. Take the time to pray, as My Spirit directs, for such ones to heed the warning given through disaster that damnation is the future ahead if they do not repent and change their ways.

It is tragic to face the reality of what pride does to people who are under the covering of demons and love it so. Pride is a treacherous set of demons that attack people in all nations and walks of life. Whether rich, poor, or middle class, all are subject to the demons of pride if they do not walk humbly before Me and seek for My Spirit to guide their lives.

The creation responds to Me as I will give the creatures warning, and they will flee the area where I intend to send natural disasters. Yet, because of the coverings of pride, people will refuse to see and obey the warnings that I give to them, and scoff the messengers sent to call them to repent. Then they will undergo the disasters upon their lives and be found destitute and desperate in their misery. However, they will stand up and curse Me and swear that they will rebuild and restore and proclaim that “they can do it.”

Such fools as these will return to the sights of the disasters to rebuild and restore what I have destroyed. They will go back to their debauched lifestyles and grow harder and more wicked than before, with damnation being their end as they perish in folly. Be glad that you are spared and saved!