Family Trauma and Tragedy

I speak unto you this day and I say: Because you are living in times of gross violence and senseless murder, know that I the Living God do see those who are born into such circumstances. While the younger generations are addicted to their devices as well as drugs, it is Me the Living God who knows the times and the lifestyles that many babies are born into.

Because of the cares of this life, there are multitudes of children who are born unwanted because both parents are forced to work. This puts undue strain on the mother as well as the father who has no wife to come home to and let go of his tensions and worries of the day. Instead, the wife is as worn out at the end of the day and needs attention just as much as he does.

So, when a baby comes along, the child becomes one more taxing burden upon them. In such circumstances, there is built-up resentment and even hatred towards the child, who, although allowed to escape abortion, is not really welcomed. Then, such children grow up with rejection and wanting always to hide from reality, because their realities are not full of love and joy.

Tragically enough, many of these sad and sorrowful youth will become the children of divorce or continual disputes, where no one is able to find peace and all are constantly involved in arguments and even family violence. Of course, with such continual trauma and drama, many withdraw into their own worlds by the time they are teenagers and learn about life through their devices connected to the internet.

No longer are children trained by godly parents and grandparents. Instead, they are trained by a cold-blooded, brutal, blood thirsty world that is constantly involved in violence, murder, and endless criminal activities. The worldview that far too many youth hold onto is one that reflects twisted values of the world rather than the values of My kingdom. However, because I am the God of mercy, I do not lock out these children because they are not trained to believe in Me or the standards of My kingdom. This is because they are basically not to blame for their situations and circumstances, which have been brought on by the choices of their parents.

Therefore, keep in mind that every new generation, because of the coverings over them, becomes increasingly more moralless, hopeless, and godless. Because of these wicked and cruel criminals that have gained political control, the nations are full of bloodshed and murder, even of the unborn, as well as rejected and unwanted newborns. These problems are the consequence of choices made against Me, and those who are making such choices are the ones who are responsible for the haunting despair which many children carry deep within their hearts.

It is not My intention that children would grow up in such environments of despair and rejection, yet, because of the worthless values that are promoted by the worldly media, the children take on such nonsense and are lazy. Their laziness is the attribute of what they have been covered by, because their own parents were too lazy to devote to them quality time and care.

I do not want My people to treat their children in such careless and calloused ways as the world does. I want My people to be devoted to raising up their children in the way that is pleasing unto Me. Know of a surety that I intend for My people to be peculiar in the eyes of the world because they are pleasing Me and not walking in accordance with the wantonness of the world.

When it is Me that you are seeking to please, you will have sensitivity of conscience and not abandon your offspring to worldly devices to give them values. You will know and understand just how wicked the world is and what becomes of children left to themselves.

Be aware that the devil and his demons do not cease to attack with cruelty the children left unattended and literally neglected by parents who are always too busy for them. In the end, because of the preoccupation of the parents with their own lives, the children who are left unattended oftentimes become rebellious, resentful, and even violent and murderous.

If you consider the number of youth who are involved in gangs, violence, thievery, vandalism, rape, and even murder, why is it so? It is because they have been left unattended and unwanted, and they are striking back at those who have so neglected them. Some people have even been so wounded by trauma in the womb put on them by the attitudes of the parents, that such children will always be carrying grudges and resentments.

Be knowing that it is not My desire for children to be resented and rejected, and I will reach out to such generations as these. Therefore, do not write them all off as a total loss, but consider that they are human souls in need of the salvation mercy that is available through Jesus, My Son. Realize that if you are called by Me to bear witness to them, I will cover you in the anointing of the love, life, and light that they are so empty of.

Do not be intimidated by their attitudes and dispositions or even the crimes they are already guilty of. Rather reach out and declare with boldness to the lost and dying multitudes that My mercies are meant for them if they will repent and return to Me as their loving Father and be born again of incorruptible seed. They will be enabled to rejoice and live in My universal love family, cherished in love.