Don’t Give Up, Give In to Me

I speak unto you this day and I say: Don’t give up and allow the enemies of righteousness to overwhelm you and take you down into the despair and desperation that are commonplace attitudes in these times. How many there are who are hopelessly and helplessly bound in the quicksand of hopeless despair and see no way out! I am the God who wants My people to be surrendered to Me and in obedience to My Spirit’s commands and directives every single day.

When those who are Mine will cleave to Me and choose the path that I provide, they will be given tender mercies even in times when most people are in misery and sorrow. I do not want people to be in the miseries that they are in, yet the majority are choosing to believe the liar and his demons above Me. They are not wanting to adhere to the directives that I give to them, nor are they continuing steadfast in the light. Rather, they are of the “can’t take it anymore” mentality and have lost all hope for improvement in their lives.

Be aware that I the Living God did not intend for people who are living in luxury compared to most people throughout the world to imagine giving up. It’s because they believe their lives to be without meaning and void. I do not want to see such misery as is besetting the multitudes, when I am the God who delights to show mercy.

Therefore do not come under the mindsets that the goddess Media and her demon forces would attempt to cast over you. You are not meant to be continually feeding of those things that drag you down; you are meant to be feeding off of and living in the hope that I provide for you.

Keep your faith in Me at all times and realize that I am in control. As you are following the directives of My Spirit, you will see the mercies that I have and do give to those who are in obedience. I do not want you to be as those who have chosen to be frozen in despair and depression and love to complain about every little thing. I have called you to give Me thanks and praise each day and to serve in the attitude of gratitude, because you are redeemed from the penalty of your sins and are no longer a sin slave, nor a hopeless and helpless victim of lies. Be knowing of a surety that when you are born again of incorruptible seed, you are given healing and deliverance from sin and the diseases you were in.

There are in these times multitudes who are dying of sin-diseases, not only in their bodies, but likewise in their minds, and they have the deep and despairing attitudes that linger. Know that there is power in the name of Jesus to be delivered of those demonic powers that hold the sinners in captivity, and that there is healing by the very stripes that Jesus received.

As those who are given new life, walk in that life. Do not return again to the bondage. Likewise, refuse to be absorbed in the filthiness that wants to take you as a captive slave and cause you to be made a fool repeatedly. It is My intention that those who choose for Me by believing in Jesus Christ as My Son and as their Savior and Lord would likewise believe in Him as their Healer, their Deliverer. He is the One who gives them the example of restoration and resurrection.

My people are not meant to remain in the darkness of death as they go through the dying out to themselves and their old ways. They are meant to rise up in the resurrection powers that I provide as they are giving in to My will above their own. I want My people to be determined to decide each day for Me and to know the joy that I alone do give to them as they are adhering to Me by obeying My Spirit’s directives.

When you look at the dark clouds that are on the horizon, do not go down under the storms of life that are upon the earth at this time. Rather rejoice that you are not among those who are full of sorrow and sadness because of their own wrong choices. Do not choose to let the world’s attitudes rule over you. You are not meant to seek comfort in careless carousing as do the people of this world; you are meant to seek comfort through My Holy Spirit, who is given as the comforter to My people.

Look at how many people there are who have given up on living and are daily giving themselves to the addictions that keep them in the prison houses of sin and slavery to their habits. They are bound in the chains of such slavery, and nothing is improved because they gave up and abandoned themselves to addictions.

In fact, all of their attempts to alleviate their sufferings have taken them into greater sorrows and sufferings, and by such, they are totally unable to keep clear in their minds. This is because in choosing for addiction as the solution to their situations and circumstances, they have caused themselves greater sufferings as well as slavery.

I do not want you to be in slavery; I want you to be in surrender to Me and in obedience to the commands of My Spirit, knowing that I am your safety. It is not intended that My people would adhere to the terrors, the troubles, and the turmoil that are presently being projected through Media and her minions as they take control of the weak and weary multitudes. As those who are knowing Me, you are to keep choosing each day to go onward rather than turning back.

Do not let circumstances or situations cause you to be hopeless and therefore helpless. Choose instead to be in determined and devoted adherence to My way. Know that you are not meant to be a statistic of death; you are meant to be continuing in life, love, and light, for such I provide for those who daily yield to My will and choose for the same.