
I speak unto you this day and I say: Do not ever forget that My Son Jesus was wounded for the transgressions of all humanity. Because He was willing to be wounded, then, through His obedience, all have been given the opportunity to be redeemed from the penalty of their sins.

Be aware that I do not want to see people bound in transgressions when Jesus gave Himself that they could be freed. Therefore do not hesitate to call sinners to repentance and to let them know that Jesus, who was free of sin, gave Himself to be wounded for their transgressions and that My Spirit is calling them to repent and return.

It is Me the Living God who has created people for My purpose and intention, and I literally have a calling for every person who will hear the call to repent and return to Me through Jesus Christ, who is the Savior. There is no other way whereby people are saved from the penalty of their transgressions. The only way given to humanity is to come to Jesus and receive Him as Savior and Lord.

Reality is that I do not enjoy looking down on the sin-filled lives of endless multitudes who are living in hopelessness and have given themselves over to be slaves to sin and the demons who instigate and inspire them to such sins. Why would I, the God who gave My only begotten Son, desire to see people drowning in the sea of iniquity? I have established and provided the way for them to be saved from the deadly waves of the sea of iniquity. Know that My Son, My Spirit, and I are continually sending forth the faithful messengers who will declare salvation to those who are drowning and being overwhelmed and overtaken by the darkness of these times.

As is plainly evident, these are times when the wicked are in rule, and they are completely convinced of their own capabilities, when they are not really capable at all. In fact, they are at times incoherent, incompetent, and being directed by demonic spirits. Those in religious, business, and political leadership are oftentimes filled with shape-shifting demonic entities, and while they put on their masquerades, their actions prove them to be evil.

I am not deceived by any of the wiles of the wicked, for I understand fully that they are the instruments of iniquity, and I will expose them in their witchery. Therefore realize that in these dark days, the degree of wanton, wild, and wicked behaviors that are resident among leaders will be clearly made manifest. The multitudes will be shown how sinful the leadership figures are.

I do not want My people to be found believing in those who are liars and cannot by any means tell the truth. Their repetitive rants and incoherent rhetoric expose them, and those who want to close their eyes to these evidences of insanity will likewise be covered in darkness.

Be aware to the fact that I do not leave people to be wounded continually by these workers of wickedness. Rather, I call them to run into Me through Jesus, My Son. The only true safety and security are found in Me, for I am the high tower that the righteous can run into and be kept. Therefore do not think that you must stand alone and be perpetually wounded. Rather, come into the place that I have for you and partake of My grace and be healed.

Stop and consider that while Jesus was wounded, bruised, and even put to death on the cross, He did not remain in such a condition. No, He was raised up from the place of death and given the new resurrected life that I gave to Him. Inasmuch as He suffered to the point of death, I raised Him up to be the testimony and witness to the power that I alone can and do provide to those who will call out to Him and cleave to His mercy.

I do not want people to live continually in misery; I want people to come into the mercy and live in the presence of My Spirit. While I am bringing forth My wrath, fury, and indignation, know that I am likewise extending mercy to those who will hear the call to repentance and choose to return to Me rather than continue living in estrangement.

The truth is that not all captives want to be freed, and some prefer the misery that they are in. However, they do not even consider that in their rejection of Jesus, they are refusing the very cup of mercy and will therefore remain forever drinking of misery, both now and throughout eternity in hell. The sad thing is that those in hell are given the cup of continual misery, yet their thirst is never satisfied. In fact, the cup of misery is full of everlasting burning, yet they must drink of that cup because of their stupid choices against Me.

Do not be as these fools who have refused to realize the wounds that Jesus took for them. Rather see that He chose to be wounded for you and that you therefore need to repay Him and live your lives for Him, as He has freely offered to you the opportunity to be redeemed. Be thankful even this day that as you are choosing My way, you will be not only saved from the penalty of your sins, but you will be healed of the wounds of sin.

Know that there is nothing impossible with Me, and I am the God who can nurture you just as I can heal you from wounds that came upon you even in the womb. I know how deeply people can be wounded by sin, and I am the only One who can heal them inside and out. Therefore give Me thanks and praise and come forth in the way that is life, love, and light.

Remember that I do not approve those who know Jesus was wounded, yet mock and make fun of the same. Such mockers as these ensure themselves of death and damnation. Choose for life through salvation and be healed.