Lying, Laughing, Lunatics Will Lose

I speak unto you this day and I say that those who are in the lying, laughing, lunatic brigade lose out completely with Me, for while they believe themselves to be having a great time and sitting on top of the world, they will find that their words return to haunt them. Because they are hard of heart, they refuse to allow any remnant of conscience to surface in their lives, and while they act the clown and never cease in their lies, they lose.

This is because these ones have so yielded themselves to demons that their actions, their intentions, and their motives are those of lunatics. While they wear a laughing masquerade, they are hard as stone and have the agenda of death and damnation because they have sold their souls to the devil and are manipulated by demons. Literally, they are sporadic, erratic, and totally undependable and unpredictable. This is because they are ruled by demon forces and these forces keep them constantly shifting shapes, appearing one day as something and the next day as something else.

I do not want My people to have false expectations, nor to listen to these lunatics who are behaving themselves in ways that are vile and wild. Rather, I want my people to see them for what they are: losers, accusers, and abusers who will end up in the agonies of the damned by their choices.

Those who imagine that they can receive endless recognition and applause while they exhibit shape-shifting behaviors are showing just how truly insane they are because they have estranged themselves from Me. They can no longer grasp any tenet of righteousness, because they are shaped in wickedness and they love the witchcraft and sorcery they are involved in.

All that comes out of their ridiculous rebellion is rejection of the truth and the standards that I have given for humanity to be ruled by. Instead, in their drunken delusions, they believe themselves to be pioneers bringing in the “new world order.” However, they cannot bring in any order, as their very lives are the example of chaos, confusion, and craziness.

Therefore, know that I do not want you to listen to their repetitive rhetoric, which is totally senseless and reflects the demon powers that rule them. Consider that when people have been put through programs with desired expectations of their handlers, if they do not meet what is expected of them, then they can be easily disposed of by those who rule over them. Therefore, realize that I have not called you to be involved with such persons as esteem themselves as something that they are not. I call you to be under the covering of My Spirit mind, for the same is safety, sanity, and security in Me.

Needless to remind you, these are times of gross treachery, treason, and terror, and multitudes are being controlled by the lying, laughing lunatics who will cause their followers to lose their lives and their souls. With this in mind, realize that you must maintain the wall of separation between you and them. This is because they are so rotten and riddled with the sin-diseases that are devouring them that they are highly infectious and are a plague that must be stopped.

However, since most are blind and love their blindness, they will be subject to these forces of darkness because they do not want to see their own sinfulness. Instead, they choose to lose with Me rather than abandon their own vile and wild behaviors.

Be aware that I am using such powers as these to separate those who are Mine from those who have only pretended to serve Me while they were full of lust for the world and its wickedness. Do not be giving yourselves over to the multitude of transgressions that are in abundance in these times and think that you cannot help it. You can help it if you want to, because I am available to all who will repent to Jesus Christ, My Son, and desire to make changes in their lives.

Those who are living in sin and loving the same while making a show of wanting to change are proving who they are by their actions, not their words. I do not want to listen to such ones, for they are liars and hypocrites who are full of the sin-diseases that are plaguing the wicked in these times.

Therefore do not be found among such wretches who have desired their wretchedness and will not seek to deviate or change from the same. These may masquerade as laughing lunatics, yet in reality they are losers who have chosen the misery that will be their inheritance and destiny. Those who are living under the coverings of lies believe that they can commit all manner of evil against Me, My Son, My Spirit, and My people and get by. However, they do not get by, and when they die, they will see who has the last laugh.

When you see the end of the wicked, it is horrible to behold, for they receive their just retribution, and the rewards of their wickedness will not ever end, for while they rendered torment to My people in this life by their vicious lies and character mutilation, they will be tormented with the agonies of the damned and there will be no chance for escape from the same.

Therefore do not fear such ones, for their lives are only for a season, then they pass on to eternity in hell, and all the wickedness they have done is returned to them. What they will be given is multiplied, as they invested in the kingdom of darkness and were ruled by the devil and his demons.

Those who remain true to Me despite the times, their circumstances, and the plots of the wicked to destroy them will be uplifted, encouraged, and given the light, the love, and the life, both now and forever in My kingdom.